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⚠️⚠️sexual assault⚠️⚠️


After what happened at the mall I was pretty shaken up and refused to leave the house for a couple days, every time claudia, finneas or even billie asked me if I wanted to go out and do things I said no and that I wasn't feeling well.

That was a lie though, I'm scared I'll see him again and I wont be able to escape him this time but I haven't told anyone about what happened.

"Liv, you up?" I heard Finneas say, I slowly opened my eyes and see him sat on my bed looking down at me "sorry I woke you, I just wanted to let you know we're taking Billie to go get her checks to see if sh needs new medications" I nod to him and he smiles "would you like to come? I know bil would want you there" he says only making me feel guilty for not wanting to come.

"I'm really not feeling good finn, can you tell her I'm really sorry for not being able to come" he slowly nods and gets up "well we are leaving in 10 minutes so I'll see you in a couple hours" I nod and look down as he closes the door after walking out.

I feel bad I cant be there for Billie but I cant be focusing on her when Brandon is out to get me, actually out to fuck me but I like out to get me better.

A few minutes later I here the house go completely silent and the front door closes, then i here finneas' car pulling out the driveway.

I lay in bed for another fifteen minutes debating on whether I should just give up hiding and start going back out with the other, It makes me feel horrible that i keep saying no to them but it may be what's best.


An hour passes and I'm just sat watching tv in the living room, all I'm wearing is one of Billies oversized shirts and some short shorts that I got when I wa south with claudia.

As I'm sitting with some random movie on I here the doorbell ring, I roll my eyes thinking it would be some weird makeup claudia bought online since shes always trying new things, if I'm being honest it's kind of inspiring.

I groan and get up from the couch and make my way to the door, once I'm there I get a really weird feeling that I shouldn't open the door but I have no idea why.

I ignore the feeling and open the door which was my biggest mistake, as soon as I open the door my eyes are met with a very familiar pair of eyes, Brandon's eyes.

When I realise its him I use all my strength to push the door closed but hes obviously much stronger and he pushes the door once and it stings right open send my tiny as flying to the floor.

I sit up and see him walking it, he closes the door behind himself and looks down at me on the ground, I stare back up at him in fear of what he's going to do to me.

"Its cute that you thought you could get rid of me baby" he says with a smirk, his eyes wonder around the room and he starts laughing.

"Damn this is where your bitch of a girlfriend hit me, that's gonna make this extra bad" he laughed even more as he says his words.

"What are you going to do to me..?" I look down in fear of making eye contact with him "you know exactly what I'm going to do to you, I told you over the phone and in person"

My eyes start to sting as tears pour out of them "please brandon..dont do this, I'll do anything but this" I beg as I'm sat at him feet, he just laughs at me "you can cry all you want but it's not going to change anything"

He grabs my waist and pulls me to my feet "show me around, give me the full tour princess" he smirks but I shake my head and find the courageto shout at him "no brandon! You need to get out of here before everyone gets home!" I snap but he ignores me and stands there silently.

The only thing about him is that his smirk fades to no expression, he moves his hand behind his back and pulls out a gun. He smiles and points it right at my head "I think I'll have a tour of your little house" I freeze as I feel the gun tip on my forehead.

"Yes..of course" I turn around to lead the way, he hold my arm so I cant run and he keeps the gun digging into the back of my head.

I slowly walk around the house until I reach all the bedrooms in the house, unfortunately all the doors having names on them.

Finneas and Claudia's room

Billie's room

Olivia's room

Guest room

I go to walk past Billies room because I dont want Brandon anywhere near her things but her pushes me in the direction of her room "nah, no skipping baby, I want to check out her room" he laughs as he talks.

We get up to Billies door and we slowly walk in, he lowers the gun and closes the door. its cozy in here, I like it alot.

He looks around whilst i just stand there kn pure fear of his next moves. He smirks and looks at Billies bed that was neatly made "strip for me" he grins at me "no!" I snap and he brings the gun back up "I said fucking strip!" He shouts.

It makes me jump and I instantly start to pull of the two pieces of clothing that I had on he licks his lips and gets up, he pushes my nude body down on Billies bed and pins me there as he eyes my body "no, not on her bed please Brandon!" I beg once again but he ignores me.

"Shut the fuck up and this will be over faster!"

He was wrong

I stayed quiet and it felt like I was pinned against that bed for years

I dont like thinking of the things he did to me.

Lets just say after he was finished he left me drenched in sweat and tears in Billies bed.

a/n: damn that was a really intense chapter, I hope you're all okay after reading that :)

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