6 - What's going on?

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At this point only Emre and Layla remain,  they will surely be able to tell me where to find Sanem so I can talk to her.
I can't wait to see her again, to hold her in my arms and never let her go.
What a fool I've been, how could I think of living without her?

I go back to the agency, thinking that by now they will be done with their appointment at the bank and will have returned.

I run up the stairs and down the corridor I catch a glimpse of Layla sitting at her desk.
Oh, finally someone who can give me directions on where to find Sanem.

I knock briefly on the glass door and open it smiling.

- Merhaba, hi Layla, I wanted to ask you, where can I find Sanem!

I see on her face first an expression of surprise selling me reappearing from nowhere after three months of absence and then, immediately after, an expression of intense anger that I had never seen on the always jovial face of Layla.

- What?
How dare you appear like this, after three months, as if nothing had happened and ask for Sanem?
Who do you think you are?
You have devastated my sister. Don't you dare look for her again, uzak dur, stay away from her -

I remain petrified at her expression, she used more or less the same words as her mother.
Why are they so angry with me? Why won't they tell me where Sanem is?

As I'm formulating these thoughts in my mind, shaken by this unexpected situation, I hear someone coming up behind me.
It's a decidedly agitated Emre who has rushed over hearing Layla's screams.

He looks at me astonished but also regretful, sad.

-Emre, what's going on? Why won't anyone tell me where Sanem is?

Layla gets up from her desk and stands in front of us with a determined attitude.

- Emre, don't you dare tell your brother where Sanem is.
He left her, he destroyed her, he doesn't deserve to see her anymore, he could only hurt her more.
I wish Sanem had never met him, I bitterly regret having brought her to work here, it would have been better if she had stayed in her dream world working in daddy's store -

On these words she slams the office door and goes back to her desk.

I'm chilled, I don't understand what's going on, but at this point I'm also starting to get worried about Sanem.
Why did Layla yell at me that I destroyed her?
What happened to her?

I turn to Emre with a heartfelt look.
He sighs and takes me by the arm and leads me to his office, asking Cey Cey to bring us some tea.
I look questioningly at my brother and realize that he is very embarrassed.
I can see that at this moment he is torn between his loyalty to his wife and her family and his desire to help me understand.

A decidedly agitated Cey Cey enters, the cups on the tray he is carrying clinking distinctly due to the trembling of his hands.
He can't sit still for a moment, he's as agitated as I've ever seen him.
He hastily leaves the tea on the desk and eclipses at lightning speed.

- Emre, what happened? I can't understand, I was at Sanem's house and even Mekvibe intimated me to stay away from Sanem as Layla did just now.
Why are they so angry with me? I know Sanem must have been sad about me leaving, we had some problems but now I've come to realize that we can overcome them together, I just need to talk to her -

Emre is definitely struggling, he runs his hands through his hair as he searches for the right words to say.

- Bak, look Can, you're my brother, we've had problems in the past but now we've found our balance, I love you, I'd do anything to help you but... I can't betray the trust of Layla and her parents.
I love you, but don't ask.

I can only tell you that to say Sanem was sad about your departure is an understatement, she reacted gerçekten kötü, really bad.
I can only tell you this, she was so bad and now ... she had to get away from everything and everyone.
I'm sorry, don't ask me to say more, I can't.
I only beg you not to go and talk to Nihat because, if Mevkibe and Layla seemed to you abrupt, it is better that you don't meet Nihat. His health has been poor in recent times and I fear he might even feel sick if he sees you, he is really very angry with you.

I am deeply shaken, I am beginning to feel a chilling terror that stops my breath.

What happened while I was gone?

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