29 - Only him

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I remain hours on the marina with my gaze lost in the clouds, unaware of the time passing and the light changing, I can't think straight, it's not a dream, he's here.

How did it happen, when did he arrive? I'm confused, he says he's here for me can I believe it?

I don't know what I feel at this moment, in my heart I recognize the joy of knowing he is near, the joy because he cares for me, because he has come back for me, but at the same time there is regret, anguish for what I have done to him.

When I tell him the truth about Yigit, will he be able to forgive me for having falsely accused him? For not trusting him? At the base of a relationship there must first be mutual trust, I didn't believe his words, in fact I accused him of being violent, how could I?

While all these thoughts are chasing each other like a crazy vortex in my head, I lower my gaze on the sea and in a moment I remember the thud, the icy water, the slow fall to the bottom, the conviction of being on the verge of dying and then, then the strong grip on my wrist, the resurfacing and then nothing more.

Was it a dream? Something tells me it wasn't, it must have been Can who saved me, he risked his life to save mine, I can't believe it.

The sun has set, I have no idea how much time has passed but evidently I've been sitting there all day, the clouds in the sky have disappeared, the darkness has fallen and the first stars are beginning to make their appearance.

I feel his presence even before hearing his footsteps on the planking of the pier, I feel a blanket resting on my shoulders, I realize only now that I am cold, evidently he knew it better than I did.
I can't move from this state of trance, I hear him sit down next to me, I expect him to say something at any moment, but he remains silent.

We stay like this, in a relaxed silence this time, aware of each other's closeness, this seems to be enough for us at the moment to feel good, we don't need anything else, at a certain point he reaches out a hand and takes mine, that's all, he doesn't say anything and there is no need to say anything.

We remain counting one by one the millions of stars that are lighting up in the sky, his grip gives me strength and comfort.

I'm starting to get tired of that position, I've been sitting still for hours and hours, as if he sensed it he leaves my hand to bring an arm around my shoulders and draw me gently towards himself, I rest my head in the hollow between his chest and arm, close my eyes and sigh.

I'm fine, nothing else exists and I don't need anything else ... only him.

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