54 - Love for her

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Since I have Sanem back in my life, it seems to me that everything is perfect, now that the burden of the clarification with the parents has been lifted and we don't have to hide anymore, it seems to me that the circle has finally closed.

Sanem asks me to accompany her to the city center because she has to do some business regarding the new cream factory, after leaving her I think that I have an errand to do too, after a few minutes I'm knocking on the door of Metin's office, I see him look at me in amazement, he seems slightly on edge, he comes towards me and I embrace him enthusiastically. Things between us in the past have not gone well, always because of my excessive pride and stubbornness.

When it came to sorting out the paperwork regarding Sanem's cream business, I came to him and asked his forgiveness.
As a sincere friend he simply embraced me, there was no need for further words, we have always been brothers, if not by blood, then sincerely by heart.

- To what do I owe this enthusiastic embrace? - He asks me.

- Well brother do I deserve a hug or not if I came here to tell you that I got married? -

I managed to make one of the most esteemed lawyers and orators of the Istanbul Bar speechless and open-mouthed, unbelievable!

- What? You got married? When? -

- Did you notice that I disappeared for about a month, well I was on my honeymoon with the most incredible woman in Istanbul, can you guess who she is?

- I'd say Sanem, right?

- Eveeeett, yes- I smile a silly smile and in love I guess, but she is the person in this world who knows me best and it would be useless to try to mask my feelings.

We have a coffee together and I tell him what I thought, we hug once again excited to share this happy moment of mine, he has always been a very important presence in my life, I strongly feel the need to have him near.

I go back to the agency and before going to work I stop to talk to Layla, I tell her what I have in mind and smiling she offers me her help, we agree to meet at the lunch break to take stock of the situation, I tell him to notify Emre so that he will be present too.

I reach my father's office and just in time to sit down I see my worst nightmares coming: Ceyda and Huma.

Perfect, that's all we needed, this beautiful couple.

They swagger into the office as if they were the masters of the world, my father looks at them in amazement, he didn't know they knew each other. I think I should let him know as soon as possible about Huma's strategies to get me away from Sanem, including her attempts to get Ceyda on my side at all costs.

- Can, honey, how are you? I met Ceyda coming to you and we went up together since I was coming to Aziz.

Go, go ahead and discuss business, I'll see you later to have lunch together Ceyda dear -

My father and I exchange a puzzled look, he has understood perfectly too that this pairing can be extremely dangerous.

I leave the office followed by Ceyda who makes to head towards my office while I am going resolutely towards the meeting room, I intercept Cey Cey and tell him to join me immediately after calling Deren. I have no intention of being alone with this woman.

She babbles that she has come to ask for some clarification on the campaign, that she wants to review the sketches, etc. etc. She presents us with a few proposals that, she tells me, maybe we can explore further out to dinner that evening.

I am really tired and can't wait for this situation to end, hopefully soon.

I decline the invitation and tell him we can definitely discuss it at that time with Deren and part of the creative team if she wants to, she seems unfazed but accepts.

I sigh, preparing myself for another endless day, counting the minutes until I'll be back home to my Sanem, only that thought consoles me and gives me the strength to face endless hours behind the whims of this fickle woman.

I seem to breathe again only when I pass through the gate of the estate many hours later, I reach the cottage and almost risk not seeing her as I enter the house, my Sanem is placidly asleep among the colorful cushions of the rocking chair under the porch. It's a vision, I crouch down to watch her sleep, I would never stop doing that, just seeing her is enough for my morale to have a sudden surge.

I see her slowly open her eyes, as if she had perceived my gaze on her, she gives me the most beautiful smile in the world that repays me for all the anguish of that terrible day.

- Can? You're back, come, sit next to me-.

I do as she tells me, I take her in my arms and she snuggles into my chest, I sigh ecstatically, this is my wonderful world now.

She raises a happy glance at me - Can I tell you something - I nod curiously, I don't know what to expect, this woman never ceases to amaze me.

- Do you remember Hasan Öztür, the publisher you introduced me to and whom I stupidly refused to consider accusing you of not having confidence in my abilities? -

- Of course Sanem, he is a good friend of mine, we have often worked together on publishing projects in the past -

-Well, I sent him a copy of my manuscript and he liked it, wanted to meet with me, and... he's going to publish it! He's going to publish my book, oh Can my dream is about to come true finally -

Once again this wonderful woman managed to amaze me, she managed with her own strength to realize her biggest dream, I never told Hasan her name so if he chose her it's only and solely because of her skills.

- Sanem, aşkım, my love, I can't find the words to make the idea of how proud I am of you. You are an exceptional woman, intelligent and strong-willed, I told you that night on the dock in Agva, when we were still nothing to each other, that I believed in you.

Now that you're my wife I can only tell you that you deserve this and much more, you're unique, you're special and seni çok seviyorum, I love you so much- I hold her tightly to me trying to transmit all the love that my heart can hardly contain in that moment. Then I take her face in my hands and tell her:

-Tomorrow night, to celebrate, let's go out to dinner tamam, shall we? It's our first night out as husband and wife, it has to be special. I want to buy you something special to wear for the occasion, you just make sure you are ready by 7pm tamam?

She smiles happily and all I can do is hold her tight to me and kiss her, kiss her like there's no tomorrow, I can't even put into words all the love I feel for her anymore, I can only show her.

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