36 - Hers Forever

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She's a vision, she's beautiful, a goddess come down to earth to bewitch me, her smile can touch such deep chords of my soul that I didn't even think I had, she's amazing in this dress and this smile.
It's wonderful her look of unconditional love for me, I can't believe she loves me like I love her, I can't believe it's true.

The ceremony moves me deeply, I feel the solemnity of that moment and I am extremely aware of the ultimate choice I am making, I am literally giving my life to her, I am vowing my life to the mission of making her happy

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The ceremony moves me deeply, I feel the solemnity of that moment and I am extremely aware of the ultimate choice I am making, I am literally giving my life to her, I am vowing my life to the mission of making her happy.

The applause that greets our embrace at the end of the ceremony is definitely felt by the few participants, they love us and are happy for us.
Emre gives me a big hug, it's clear he's happy that everything worked out for the best for his big brother, Sanem helped me find my brother and I'm extremely grateful for that, just one more reason to love her.
Mihriban, our Mihriban, presses a kiss on my cheek in ecstasy of joy, I hold that little wretch of a woman tightly to me and gratefully whisper in her ear - If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here, I'll be grateful to you for the rest of my life for what you've done for us, you're our guardian angel - She is moved and pats my cheek - You deserve such happiness, I wish it with all my heart -

A hesitant Cey Cey approaches, he is obviously afraid of my reaction, I take him by the arm and pull him tightly to me to embrace him sincerely, then I look at him smiling.

- I thank you for being a sincere friend to Sanem, after realizing what was happening, I could not blame your behavior.
You wanted to protect your friend, but remember Cey Cey asla, never ever have to defend her from me again, she is the most precious thing I have in this life, I will never hurt her  again söz, I promise.
You were the architect of our first meeting and I can't thank you enough for putting her in my path, who knows if we would have ever been lucky enough to meet if it wasn't for you - He smiles at me excited and relieved that there are no more problems between us.

It's Layla's moment, after what she said at the agency when I came back I was afraid that she would oppose the wedding, but luckily she didn't, now here she comes towards me seriously.

- Can, I'm entrusting my little sister to you, I hope you've learned your lesson, she's an exceptional girl but extremely fragile, do you promise to take care of her heart for the rest of your life together? - I nod solemnly and touched, I didn't expect such heartfelt words from her.

- Do you promise that you will never again run away from the difficulties that you will inevitably face? -
I nod again.
- Söz, I promise-

She smiles and holds me in a warm hug, I've always loved her very much, she's a great woman, I'm happy that Emre has been lucky enough to meet her and win her over.

The Aydin sisters are definitely unusual but wonderful, the Divit brothers have their lucky stars to thank for bringing them to them, I am more and more convinced of that.

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