57 - Making up for lost time

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It was exciting to attend my son's wedding, with great regret unfortunately I had not been able to be present at Emre and Layla's sudden wedding and then at Can and Sanem's even more sudden wedding.

I was happy that they had found the love of their lives, but I was very sorry that I couldn't be by their side at such an important moment for a man. We had always been a  particular family, but I had always tried to be there for my children; I had been able to be there for Can more than for Emre who, for so many years, had lived abroad with Huma.

Huma. It is not by chance that she was not present at that moment, a mother who is not invited by her son to her own wedding should feel terribly bad, unfortunately Huma is so full of herself that she is convinced that it is always and only the others who make mistakes.
She considers herself perfect and thinks she is always right, without realizing that she has alienated everyone from her life, her children first and foremost, and she is now hopelessly alone.

Now she is in cahoots with that Ceyda and I understand her intention to get close to Can at all costs, she'll have to go over my dead body before I allow them to create havoc between Can and Sanem.

She is also trying to make the most out of the sale of Fikri Harika's shares, yesterday she came to tell me just that, that I must give her an exorbitant amount of money if I don't want her to sell her shares to others. I am not going to give in so easily to her blackmail, I am going to do everything in my power to get her out of my life and that of our children for good.

I am lost in these thoughts when my gaze wandering through the reception hall spots a certain lady of my interest, she laughs amused at some of Nihat's jokes while holding Mekvibe under her arm.

I cross the hall to join them, Mr. and Mrs. Aydin are really nice people, I enjoyed meeting them and now I better understand how the two girls I can now call daughters-in-law are so adorable, they were raised by kind-hearted parents.

Mihriban has tried to avoid me in every way, I've even seen her suddenly change her path in the woods of the estate in order not to cross my path, evidently she's afraid of me and, if after all these years she's afraid to see me instead of being indifferent, it can only be because some glimmer of flame survives under the ashes of years of distance.

She must still feel something like I do, so much time has passed and yet she is still in my heart, a substantial part of it has remained and I need to understand if I can blow on those little flames to rekindle the flame that once flared between us.

- Merhaba, hello, may I steal Mrs. Mihriban from you? She owes me a dance you know? -

Without allowing her to utter a word I take her under my arm and lead her to the center of the room where several couples, including the bride and groom, are slow dancing.

- Aziz? What's this about me owing you a dance? -

- You definitely owe me one, you owe me thousands of dances we haven't had all these years, you owe me candlelight dinners, Sunday picnics, trips to the beach, walks downtown and trips abroad.

All these years without you have been empty, meaningless, I want to start right now to make up for lost time and live the life we didn't have -

She looks at me astonished without being able to utter a word, I realize that I have been very direct but at a certain age I think there is no time to waste in pleasantries and turns of phrase, what I said is true, I want to live intensely every moment that remains and I want to live it with her.

We continue to dance in silence, I see Can looking at us curiously, I'll have to explain how things are sooner or later.

- Since, as I was saying, there are so many things to do and I don't intend to waste time, Mrs. Mihriban be ready tomorrow morning at 9:00, let's start with a nice trip out of town, okay?

- Aziz, I, I don't understand what you're saying -

- You'll understand Mihriban, you'll understand soon, in the meantime do me the honour of accompanying me tomorrow on a trip outside Istanbul and you'll gradually understand, rest assured -

She looks at me absorbed, she doesn't know how to counter my words, the song ends and she tries to move away from me, but I undauntedly hold her hand and accompany her back under my arm towards the Aydin.

She won't get rid of me easily, this time I won't give up and I will fight for her, I will fight to win back the love of my life.

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