63 - Moments of Terror

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It had been a wonderful evening, my father and I walk the Aydin, Emre and Layla to the car and back to the cottage with our hands in our pockets and our spirits light, we are both happy with how things have finally settled down.

We are almost there when we hear altered voices in the distance, we exchange a questioning look and hurry our pace.
The scene in front of us leaves us stunned, what are my mother and Yigit doing there?

My father intervenes, putting Huma back in his place, accusing her of making us live a sad and lonely life, my mother tries to bargain with my father about actions and complaints, I don't understand what they are talking about.

Then it's Sanem who speaks up, blaming Yigit for his petty behavior, when he admits that he only ever wanted her, that he wanted to split us up because he couldn't bear to see us happy, Sanem reacts in a very violent way wishing he wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.

The man's expression changes drastically from one moment to the next, it leaves everyone speechless, a shiver of terror runs down my spine when I see him pull out a gun and point it at Sanem.

I'm paralyzed with fear, I can't believe this is really happening, I see Sanem just as shocked raise his hands in defense

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I'm paralyzed with fear, I can't believe this is really happening, I see Sanem just as shocked raise his hands in defense. She tries to reason with him.

- Yigit, what are you doing, be calm lutfen, please -

- Ah, now you're begging me, a moment ago you despised me, you despised me when you came to my office to tell me that you found another publisher to publish your book, you never had any regard for me when I loved you from the first moment I laid eyes on you, how could you not see that? -

- Yigit, when we met I was already in love with Can, always have been and always will be, lutfen, please put down that gun, I beg you.... I .... I am expecting a baby, you can't hurt us! -

At those words my heart lost a beat and at the same time began to rumble in my ears at a crazy pace, oh Allah , joy and terror merge into a confused whirlwind in those eternal moments.
I clench my fists in anger at the helplessness of the situation, I'm afraid to move because he might get scared and do something stupid and impulsive.
Yigit is a wounded animal right now, he can be extremely dangerous.

My father, who is closest to Sanem in this moment, intervenes, while he is talking he moves slowly towards her, I do the same moving behind Yigit distracted by Aziz's words.

- Listen to me, don't make irrational moves, you are driven by anger that doesn't allow you to reason, stay calm, let's talk about it.
What do you want me to do, I will do whatever you ask me, I promise, but you put down that gun, please -

Continuing to talk he practically brought himself in front of Sanem, Yigit seems to realize it suddenly.

- Move over, it's not you I want. It's all her fault, it's because of her that I met Huma and got involved first in the charade of the accident and now in this business that will land us both in jail, I don't want to rot in jail. It's all her fault, she was supposed to be mine, the child she's expecting was supposed to be mine, we were supposed to be happy together -

Huma seems to be really scared, she intervenes trying to bring him back to his senses.
- Yigit, honey, we said we would come to talk to Aziz, we would try to make him see reason, we didn't talk about guns or threats, please put the gun down, don't make it worse -

Yigit seems to have lost his mind, he rambles like a madman, he talks to himself repeating like a chant "Her had to be mine, it's all her fault", his eyes lost in the emptiness of his hallucinations.

I'm now behind him, but I'm afraid to attack him in case he shoots instinctively feeling grabbed.

We are in a stalemate where no one dares to speak or move, every moment seems to stretch to infinity and everyone seems to be holding their breath.

Interrupting the spell that seems to have descended upon us is the voice of an Emre unaware of the drama unfolding in the back of the cottage - Caan! I forgot my phone -

Everything happens in a split second, everyone moving simultaneously.
Yigit turns his head towards where Emre's voice is coming from, I sprint to grab him from behind, my father shields Sanem with his body, Mihriban crouches screaming in fear, Sanem and Huma scream.

Yigit fires a shot at the exact instant he feels himself being grabbed from behind.

I threw him to the ground with violence, a brutal fight ensued until I managed to punch him on the chin with all the strength I had in my body while I held the arm of the hand holding the gun with my hand. He passes out instantly.

I frantically turn around and pull myself up to figure out what happened, if anyone was hit, once again everything seems to be still, time seems to have stopped, everyone seems to be struggling to realize what happened.

I remain breathless in front of the spectacle that I find myself in front of, my brain can not clearly process the images it is perceiving.

All is silence, disbelief, no one dares to speak.

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