52 - Confrontation

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The time had come, I had to take responsibility and take charge of the situation.
I asked Layla for help, in front of my request she looked worried - Are you sure Can? Don't you want to do it together with Sanem? -
- Yes I'm sure Layla, I don't want to subject Sanem to this stress, if they should react badly I'm afraid she would be destroyed, she would be torn apart by her love for me and that for her parents. I have to face them alone to try to smooth the situation, if it doesn't work out it's better that Sanem doesn't know -
She made an appointment with her parents at a bar on the waterfront saying that she and Emre would like to meet them there to spend some time together.
I park the car and with a resolute step I head towards the agreed place, I'm agitated, I can't deny it, I wish everything would work out for the best.
I spot them already sitting at the table outside on the terrace overlooking the sea, Emre and Layla see me coming while their backs are turned.
- Merhaba, hello-
Mevkibe and Nihat look up at me in surprise, I can see their expressions change drastically, their cheerful faces are completely transformed by the anger that rises up in that moment against me.

I don't give them time to talk, I take a chair from a nearby table and sit down in front of them.
- Nihat, Mevkibe lütfen, please let me speak, let me explain. I am here to ask for your forgiveness, I know that I have caused so much pain to Sanem and by reflection to you as well, it will be a regret I will have all my life, I was wrong I am aware of it.
But I love your daughter, I have always loved her and I will always love her I swear to you... -

Nihat interrupts me with an angry voice - Do you love her? Is this how you show your love? Abandoning and destroying her?
We loved you so much Can, we welcomed you in our house like a son, I entrusted you with the heart of my little erkenci kuş and you shattered it into a thousand pieces, you asked her to marry you and then you put her aside as if she had no importance, is this your love? -

- Listen, you are right, I have done so much wrong with her and I ask your forgiveness ... -

This time it is Mevkibe's tense and angry voice that interrupts me.
- Do you have any idea what you have done to her? Do you have any idea? You don't know....-

This time it is an unexpected voice that interrupts her.
- He knows mom, he knows, he's seen me, he knows everything and he's been there for me in ways you can't even imagine-

We all turn in surprise to a Sanem who has come out of nowhere, but is clearly determined and confident.
She grabs a chair and sits down next to me taking my hand, her parents' eyes widen in disbelief.

- Mom, Dad, at first I didn't have the strength to talk, to explain what happened between us, then I was too sick to do it and since I started to heal we all tried to avoid talking, so you have no idea how things really went between Can and me.

He left because of me, I was the one who let go of his outstretched hand, I falsely accused him and told him to leave, it was my fault for allowing so many to come between us, you did too.
You prevented our marriage with a thousand excuses, with your skirmishes with Huma you prevented us from being happy when we needed your support the most.
Then things fell apart and I didn't know how to handle the situation, I allowed other people to come between us and I betrayed his trust, I didn't believe in him.
If there is anyone to blame it is me.
This wonderful man did everything to help me heal, he was there for me in every way during the months at the clinic and even after I got out of the hospital.
He did so much wrong in your eyes, but if you are ready to listen to me I will tell you in detail what he did not do to stay with me and help me heal, if you don't want to listen to me the problem is only yours because he is the man I love, he is my husband and my life is with him-

I see Mevkie and Nihat take each other's hands, startled by the revelation.

- Yes he's my husband, we got married almost two months ago, if you couldn't be present at our wedding it's only because of your rigidity, we needed to be together and be happy right away, without wasting more time on useless traditions or impositions from the families as it happened in the past.
He is the essence of my life, he is my life, if you want to be part of it you will have to accept the fact that we love each other and we have exchanged the solemn promise to spend all the years to come together.

If you can't accept it know that I love you a way, you are my anne and babam, but my place is next to my husband as it should be. To you the decision -

Her words left everyone stunned, none of us imagined that she could be so firm and resolute towards her parents. She is an exceptional woman and if possible I love her even more for having defended our love so strenuously.

I realize that my look of adoration for my wife did not go unnoticed by either of them, because the moment I looked back at them I found them both staring at me intently.

They exchanged a look of understanding and nodded in the same way.

It was Nihat who spoke.

- Sanem, we desire nothing but your happiness.

We have suffered with you every single moment of your illness, I think our resentment towards Can for causing you so much pain is understandable. We have been and will always be on your side, we trust your judgment and if you have married this man it must be only because you are firmly convinced that he is the right thing, that he is the right man for you.

We love you so much, we don't want to lose you, we want to be part of your life if you will let us, if you will let us -

On the last words Nihat's eyes, but also those of everyone present at that table, became shiny with emotion.

Sanem couldn't help but rush towards her parents to embrace them in a single emotional hug, they welcomed her with warmth and emotion.

They exchanged emotional kisses and caresses and when Sanem returned to her seat and took my hand, it was my turn to speak.

- Nihat, Mevkibe I will devote my whole life to show you how much I love and adore your daughter, she is my life, she is the other half of my soul and the only thing I want is to see her happy. You will see, I will do everything to make sure she is every single day of our life together -.

At this point it was Mevkibe who stood up and came to hold me in a sincere and emotional hug.

- Can, oğul, son -

In that embrace I felt that maternal warmth that had always made me love her so much, it was the affection that I had constantly felt a terrible lack of without being aware of it.

Now it seemed to me that all the pieces were back in place, I had a family, my family was complete with Sanem's parents as well.

I couldn't ask for anything better, I had the love of the woman I loved and now the affection of those exceptional people I had adored since the very first moment.

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