35 - His Forever

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I walk out of the dressing room as excited as ever at the thought of seeing his reaction when he sees me and instead the one who finds himself overreacting is me.
I'm speechless, but how beautiful can the man I love be? He's every woman's wet dream, the tuxedo makes him extremely charming and sexy, in a word irresistible, while his love-filled, love-for-me look takes my breath away.
I still can't believe it's all real, that it's happening and that he loves me like I love him.

He takes my hand and brings it to his lips in that gallant gesture that sends shivers down my spine every time, he is the man of my dreams and at this point I can say that he is from all points of view he is

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He takes my hand and brings it to his lips in that gallant gesture that sends shivers down my spine every time, he is the man of my dreams and at this point I can say that he is from all points of view he is.

- You are the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever admired aşkım, my love, I feel like the luckiest man on this earth -

I smile excitedly, I can't utter a word, the emotion closes my throat, I would like to tell him that he is all I want in this world, but I can't.

We leave the buotique to drive to the wedding hall in the town hall, he proudly takes my arm and we enter together while I can't take my eyes off the man I love, happy and in love, I feel like I'm hovering an inch off the ground in a cloud of unreality.

We head towards the stage and I am speechless at the sight of the witnesses who are waiting for us sitting at the large ceremonial table with the State Officer: on one side are Mihriban and Cey Cey and on the other Emre and Layla.

Seeing me, my sister's eyes open wide and she brings a hand to her mouth in a gesture of amazement, I realize that Emre hadn't told her who they were going to be witnesses for.
I give her a pleading look, I know she is very angry with Can, I tried to explain to her in every way that her departure was my fault, but she wouldn't listen to me.
I hope she doesn't have an inappropriate reaction in what is the most beautiful moment of my life, I see Emre take her hand and whisper something to her, she nods and stays watching us in silence. I release the breath I had been holding until then, I had feared a scene and it was the last thing I wanted.

I'm going to enjoy these moments out of time, it was crazy, I was sincerely sorry not to have my parents there at that moment, but it couldn't be helped, they were very angry with Can too, it would take time for them to regain trust in him, time that I didn't want to waste anymore.
I wanted to be his forever as soon as possible and I wanted to know that he was mine just as much.

The ceremony is short but intense, I feel my heart burst at the ritual questions, hearing Can's deep voice pronounce his - Evet, yes - brings tears to my eyes, the knowledge that he wants me as I have always wanted him, totally and dispassionately moves me to death.

- I pronounce you husband and wife - Words that by now I thought I would never hear referred to us, his decisive embrace, a sweet kiss on the forehead on the applause of the few present happy for us. I turn around to receive Mihriban's sincere embrace, a moved and excited Cey Cey hugs me tightly and says - I'm happy for you, I'm happy for you, I'm happy that great love has triumphed despite everything - I thank him by printing a popping kiss on his cheek and squeezing him in an affectionate hug.

Then it's the turn of a smiling Emre - I'm happy for you, that you are well and that you have found your way back to each other, welcome to the family abla, sister -
I melt from her embrace to find a perplexed and worried Layla, she puts her hands on my shoulders and seriously asks me - Are you sure this is what you want? Have you thought about this choice? -I nod smiling - Are you happy? - I nod again, this time smiling through my tears, she is also moved and hugs me in a way we have never experienced before, there is brotherly love but also the love of a sincere friend who is happy for my joy.

I see her go to congratulate Can while I'm back in Mihriban's embrace, I see them talking briefly with a serious expression, Can nodding several times then Layla smiling and hugging him.

I breathe a sigh of relief, it's gone, we've passed the test for now, there will be others even harder, but I know that now that we're together, we can face anything.



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