66 - Life with her

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Our life together is a daily dream, the marvel of a woman I married has managed to accomplish everything she set out to do.
She opened the new workshop by hiring ten independent and accomplished women from the neighborhood, including Mevkibe.
The business tripled its turnover in just a few months and Sanem was approached by an international company in the industry who wanted to buy and market her creams worldwide.
The signing of that contract was another piece in the mosaic of satisfactions that life is giving her, she deserves each of them for the strength and determination she puts into everything she does.

We left for the trip of our dreams before her pregnancy was too far along to travel, we went to the place she had always imagined going to one day: the Galapagos.
It was a romantic and exciting trip, one of those trips that you can't help but keep in the drawer of your fondest life memories, a daydream because of the beauty of the places and the fact that we lived such a unique and exciting experience together.

Once back, she devoted herself body and soul to the preparations for the publication of her book. At the presentation event, organized in a large bookstore in the center of Istanbul, all the people dearest to her were there, friends from the neighborhood, from the agency, from the creamery and even Osman and Ayhan came back for the occasion to be close to her and congratulate her on the success of their dear childhood friend.

It was the occasion for Cey Cey to come forward, invite Ayhan out and, no one knows how, he managed to convince her not to leave. In a very short time Sanem found herself to be their best man, beautiful in her empire style dress that highlighted the roundness of her bump. Become increasingly bright and radiant, it must be said that pregnancy definitely suits her.

It was not the only wedding in recent times, I also had the honor of being best man, along with Emre, at the wedding of my father and Mihriban.
Aziz was stubborn and tireless, he had to work hard because the lady was a tough nut to crack, but in the end he succeeded.
In front of a beautiful sunset on the beach of the estate the couple said their yes, it's amazing how fate has moved people and events to allow them to find each other and love each other for the rest of their lives. When all seemed lost for them, here came Sanem and then me to guide them back into each other's arms. If this isn't destiny!

Mihriban sold us the cottage, the place that was a new beginning and rediscovery for us, we did some work to expand it by adding some rooms upstairs. Now our room has a large window from which we can admire wonderful sunsets over the sea even when the cold of winter will prevent us from going out on the dock.

I am as happy as only a man who has lost everything and has been lucky enough to regain it can be.
Life with Sanem seems like a miracle to me every day, I appreciate every single moment of it because I've lived in fear of not being able to have any more moments together.
I've been a damn lucky man, I've made mistakes, I've managed to make amends and never again in my life will I risk jeopardizing what we've found.

I look to the future with hope and optimism, I have the woman I love next to me and soon will arrive the first of who knows how many angels providence will give us to bring joy in our home and in our hearts.

I am a happy man, I am complete, I don't ask anything else from life... I just need to have her...

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