44 - Return to agency

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I leave the estate headed for the agency with a light spirit, it seems to me that life is smiling at me and has finally taken the right direction. Waking up with my wife in my arms, having breakfast together and then kissing her on the doorstep, knowing that at the end of the day I will return home to her, gives me a joy of life and optimism for the future.

She said not to worry, she'll take care of everything for dinner with my father tonight, let's hope so, the idea of Sanem in the kitchen still manages to send shivers down my spine, I'll have to warn my father separately about what awaits him.

I'm glad to be back at the company, I've missed the atmosphere of sparkling creativity at the noisy creative meetings, I've missed the banter between Deren and Cey Cey, I've missed the excitement and frenzy of the new campaigns.

My father will take over the client relations, leaving me free to devote myself solely to the creative and photographic side of the business, the aspect of any advertising campaign that I have always enjoyed.

The day passes quickly between meetings and sketches, I manage to free myself for a moment to hear Sanem only at lunchtime while I eat sitting at my desk continuing to work.
At the end of the day I stop to think about how much I miss her presence at the agency, it seems as if she could pop up at any moment from behind a corner with her ever-present, wonderful tea.
Now she is very busy with the production of her creams, but I hope that in the future she will think about the possibility of working for Fikri Harika again. She's really good at this job, she has a mind that can think outside the box, innovative and creative, which is just what an advertiser needs.
My Sanem is unique!

While I'm lost in these thoughts I see Huma advancing in the corridor, it seems strange to me that she came, she probably heard about my father's return.
She called me a couple of times in these months, to ask me to meet her for lunch downtown, but I always declined.
I have no desire to spend time with her, we never had a good relationship, but since she has blatantly shown her disdain and disapproval of the woman I love, she has definitely lost any chance of having any kind of relationship with me.

I get up from my desk and walk over to her.
- Selam, hi.
I'm sorry but I absolutely have to go to an appointment, I'm already late -
I don't even give her time to talk and I leave the agency, I have no interest in listening to her and I have to do some shopping for dinner tonight.

At the entrance of the agency I run into Ceyda, she must have an appointment with my father.

-Can? Are you back? -

He comes up with open arms to kiss me on the cheeks, but I hastily shrug it off as I continue walking,
- Mehraba Ceyda, sorry I'm late for an appointment, Emre and my father are surely waiting for you.

Görüşürüz, see you -

I have no desire to give rise to any misunderstanding with this woman, I have already made a mistake in the past, I realized this by talking to Sanem, I had too accommodating an attitude with her, which evidently led to her thinking that she had a chance to deepen our relationship.
Now I am a married man, even though no one knows about it yet, I cannot afford certain lightness and I absolutely do not want any ambiguous situation or misunderstanding to be created anymore.

I am going to buy the wine and the dessert for the dinner and some flowers for my wonderful wife to thank her for the effort she put in the preparations, poor us!
This inability of hers in the kitchen has always softened me enormously, she is a woman of many qualities but, then again, perfection is not of this world, right?

I can definitely overlook her culinary arts, she has many talents and is my life, there is nothing else as precious to me in this world.

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