20 - Him in my dreams

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I love this place, I love it deeply, it seems to me to live in a dream, I have always wanted to spend my days outdoors surrounded by greenery, the silence broken only by the sound of branches moved by the wind or the waves that s 'break on the marina.

I'm writing a lot, I can't stop doing it, my hands move almost by themselves guiding the pen on the paper, engraving with the ink the breath of a heart that has slowly begun to beat again and beats only for that love that can never forget.

I trace on those sheets the indelible signs of that feeling that, despite everything, keeps me alive. When I thought I had lost him irreparably I felt like dying, I fled from a reality I could not tolerate, a reality without him.
I escaped from a reality that I could not tolerate, a reality without him. I took refuge in the innermost corner of my mind, I closed every way of communication with the outside world to bask in the few glimmers of warmth that I had left of that love. Those wonderful dreams have warmed my heart, taking the hand of the lost and frightened Sanem they have brought her back to the world, they have made her understand that even if she will never see her albatross again she can continue to live in the fullness of feelings experienced through memory and imagination.

Not everyone is lucky enough to experience such a unique and deep feeling, I feel privileged to have had this opportunity and I have realized that the memories of that year together can be enough to feed the rest of my days. I can go on living, I can enjoy what surrounds me, the places as well as the loved ones, in the certainty of having known true love of which I can be content even to dream. These wonderful fantasies of him with me bring such joy and vital energy to my heart that I feel as if I have returned to looking at the world as I did before: with trust and wonder.

When he comes into my dreams he lies down next to me and holds me in his arms, he strokes my hair softly,  places light kisses on my cheek and talks whispering in my ear. We imagine our future together, our home, our children, our hands growing old together without ever leaving each other.
It's so beautiful, I wish those moments would never end, that they would last forever, what consoles me is that we will see each other again the next night, in another magnificent dream.


I don't want to fall asleep
Because I would miss you
And I don't want to miss anything
Because even when I dream of you
The most beautiful dream wouldn't be enough
I would still miss you
And I don't want to miss anything

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