51 - Mihriban

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I'm nervous about seeing her, I know I'm playing dirty by showing up at her estate without her suspecting who her new tenant really is but, as they say, all's fair in war and love.

I arrive at the estate and once again I am amazed at how beautiful this place is, it reflects the freshness and simple beauty of the woman who owns it, you feel magically at peace with yourself and the world once you cross the gate of this property.

I didn't want to involve Can, the meeting will be difficult enough for her, let alone if a third person were to be present.
I get out of the car and head towards the main house, it's a beautiful structure made of stone and wood, perfectly set in the beauty of the nature that surrounds it.
As I walk down the driveway I see her in the distance, she is watering the flowers in the garden in front of the front door, she has her back to me and I hear her humming as I approach, I laugh amused by her exuberance, she has always been a cheerful and jovial woman.

I stop to look at her and listen to her voice for a few moments enjoying that unreal moment, after so many years it seems impossible to be so close to her again. She moves to water the flowers of the other hedge and must have spotted me out of the corner of her eye because she turns around curious to see who has arrived.

She remains motionless with her mouth open in amazement, the water from the pump in her hand unnecessarily spraying the driveway without her realizing it.
We stay like this for an interminable time, me enjoying the beauty of her face and her trying to decode what her eyes are probably showing him.

I redeem myself from this kind of trance and move closer trying to stay out of the range of her uncontrolled pumping.

- Mehraba, hi Mihriban, happy to see you again.
I am your new tenant, I am Can's father -

He opens his eyes wider and brings a hand to his mouth, realizing at that moment that the pump is watering everything but the flowers.
He turns to close the tap and remains for a few moments with her back to me, probably needing to regain some composure.

She turns around again and looks at me uncertainly.

- Aziz?

- Yes Mihriban, it's me, I'm very happy to see you again.
This place is beautiful, congratulations, you have created a true paradise, I hope it will not be a problem for you to have me as a tenant -

He continues to look at me without speaking, then seems to shake and compose herself a little.

- No, of course it's not a problem, why should it be, come let's sit under the porch for a moment, I have already prepared the contract. -

I follow her, enchanted by how beautiful she still is, the years have passed for both of us, but I still see in her that sparkling and cheerful spirit that made me love her so much since the beginning when we were kids.

She tells me about the house, the conditions of the contract while I don't listen to a single word, I'm so intent on fixing in my mind every single detail of her face. She is beautiful!

She suddenly stops talking and I am forced to collect myself, I sign without a second thought and ask her if she can accompany me, she seems to be shaken by the request, but she certainly can't refuse.

We set off silently, each lost in our own thoughts, towards the cottage she has assigned to me. I'm happy to be there with her, that place and her presence give me so much peace and I feel like I'm in the right place, with the right person at last.

The cottage is lovely, so close to the sea that I can hear the waves breaking on the beach from the porch, I turn to look at her to tell her how impressed I am by the beauty of the place when I can't help but get lost in her deep and excited gaze.

We look at each other intensely without even daring to speak, it seems that time has stopped and only we exist in this world.

At a certain point I see her shake her head as if to free herself from a spell and whispering - Görüşürüs, goodbye - she walks away at a quick pace without looking back.

She evidently needs time to recover from the shock of seeing me suddenly appear as a ghost of the past, even when I saw her I had a quite violent reaction, I can understand her.

Now I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, she'll have to get used to the idea of having me around and who knows what the near future holds, I hope it's nothing more than the happy ending we deserved all those years ago.

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