43 -The Neighborhood

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I have Can drop me off downtown where I take a cab to Metin's office I don't know what their relationship is at the moment. I called him to make an appointment to make sure he could meet me, he doesn't tell me anything about Can so I assume he doesn't know anything about our marriage. I don't want to deprive Can of the pleasure of informing his friend of the news, he will be the one to tell him the good news when and how he sees fit.

I explain the situation to him, show him the copy of the contract I signed with Yigit for the publication of my book and tell him what I found out. He is disconcerted to learn what Huma and Yigit were able to concoct against Can, he shakes his head regretting for his friend who he knows has suffered so much because of his mother's behavior in childhood and then over the years as an adult.

I beg him to find a loophole, never, ever could I work with that man, I want nothing to do with him.

He promises me that he will do his best to help me get out of this as best he can.

He updates me on the financial situation of the company that he has created in my name for the production of the creams, I am surprised by the huge turnover that he has managed to achieve in such a short time, I would never have believed it possible. We part with the understanding that we will meet again soon, I absolutely want to sever any ties with that mean and dishonest man as soon as possible.

I leave Metin's office to go to my parents, I haven't been back to the neighborhood since I was sick, I miss it now that it is no longer a place of bittersweet memories for me.

When I get out of the cab I feel an avalanche of emotions, my happy childhood with Ayhan and Osman, the chatter, the cheerfulness, the conviviality of the neighborhood, Can waiting for me with open arms at the front door or discovering me while I try to escape by climbing out the window in the side alley. Every corner, every sidewalk is the custodian of wonderful memories, it was my home, my nest, I loved these places so much but now my place is elsewhere.

I ring the bell and hear my mother's voice and her hurried footsteps approaching the door - Here I am!! - She opens the door and freezes in amazement, not expecting such a surprise, she hugs me tightly and drags me inside between laughter and tears.
It's so long that we have to meet, I didn't want them to come to the estate knowing that otherwise I wouldn't have been able to contain their loving but cumbersome presence.
We sat down at the kitchen table while an excited Mevkine hurriedly prepared the tea to sit with me and chat, asking me how I was feeling, if I was eating, if I was doing well in the new house, how the production of the creams was going... the usual mom worries and I loved her enormously for that. In a burst of affection I wrap my arms around her neck and weep for a few moments for what has been, happy that it's over.

As we walk away, wiping our tears of joy and emotion, we hear the front door open - Meeevkiiibeee, I'm home! - My father has arrived and with him his usual exuberance, we hear his footsteps approaching in anticipation both to see his reaction.

He enters the kitchen and nails himself in place at the exact moment he spots me, his eyes fill with tears and his arms open wide in invitation. All I can do is rush into that paternal embrace that I have missed so much, my dad has always been a fundamental part of my life. My hero, my biggest supporter, he was the one who perhaps, in the family, understood me the most and respected my exuberance.
I love him immensely.

We sit down to tea while he also subjects me to the same third degree my mother did earlier, I laugh answering every single question asked in the same exact order. I love them too much, I know I made them suffer and I'm really sorry, I never wanted to. The moment of truth will come but this is not it, I just want to enjoy their exuberant company, I missed them and they missed me.

We spend a few carefree hours together, happy to be together again, they try to invite me to dinner but I decline the invitation, I tell them I have to get back as I am busy with my creams. They are very proud of the success of my small business, they don't even imagine how small it has become, but I must say that until that afternoon I was unaware of it too.

I leave them with the promise to come back soon, now I know I can return freely without fearing anything, neither painful memories nor pressure from them. They have accepted the fact that I have found my way, I only hope that they will also willingly accept the one with whom I have decided to travel it.

Before going back to the estate I stop in some clothing and lingerie stores, let's say I'm going to enrich my wardrobe with a few items that I think are slightly more appetizing in the eyes of my handsome husband than the ones I own.

I'm really curious to see what his reaction will be when he sees me wearing certain accessories, I want to surprise him.

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