55 - Dream

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I'm back in town to go to an appointment with Metin, we have several matters to discuss at this point, as I enter the office he gets up smiling from his desk and comes to hug me enthusiastically. I'm a little surprised by such enthusiasm but he soon explains why.

- Congratulations Sanem, yesterday Can came by and told me about your wedding, I'm so happy that things worked out for the best, I have always believed in you, I was sure that in the end your love would prevail over everything and everyone -

I am moved by his words, I know how much he loves Can, who is more than a brother to him and I feel honored that he accepted me as his wife so enthusiastically.

We sit down and I let him know the news about my book, I brought him a copy of the contract that the publishing house has proposed to me so that he can study it and tell me if everything is in order and if he thinks I can sign it. I then explained to him what I was thinking about doing in my old neighborhood and instructed him to contact the owner of the property to discuss the lease for the new creamery.

He smiles - I can't say you're a woman who sits on her hands, you're full of initiative and inventiveness, I can't help but approve of my friend's choice even more.

I blush happily at his appreciation and we say goodbye with the understanding that we will talk again as soon as the documentation is ready.

This time I don't go back to the neighborhood but decide to take a day for myself, I stop in town and enter a beauty salon where I get a massage, a manicure, a pedicure and a haircut. I want to look amazing for my first dinner out with my husband.

I get back to the estate in time to freshen up and here comes Can, he has a large frosted box with him, he greets me with a kiss and takes my hand to drag me into the room, he is as excited as a child on Christmas morning. He puts the big box on the bed and says:
- Open it come on, I'm curious to know what you think -.

I smile infected by his enthusiasm, lift the lid and find myself in front of a dream, a dream dress.
A white silk dress with a sweetheart bodice decorated with golden patterns, has thin straps and falls in soft waves to the feet. In the same box I find a velvet bag that contains beautiful white sandals with the same golden motifs on the bodice of the dress.

I bring my hands to my mouth amazed and excited - Oh Can, but it's beautiful! - He smiles happily that I liked it and presses an adoring kiss on my lips, but he quickly walks away before the evening takes a different turn than planned.

- I take a quick shower while you finish getting ready, tamam, okay? I made a reservation for 8:30 p.m. We don't have to be late -

I nod excitedly, I can't wait to put on that wonderful dress, I quickly get rid of the robe, unzip and slip into the dress, it caresses my skin lightly, it's an impalpable and precious silk, I think I've never had such a beautiful dress.
I also put on the sandals that pop out from under the dress with my beautiful red lacquered nails.

While I'm putting on my earrings Can comes out of the bathroom, he stops in his tracks at the sight of my reflection in the mirror - You look beautiful! - he tells me enraptured, coming closer to close the zipper of the dress on the back that I had not managed to fix by myself.

- You look pretty good too, I'd say.

He looks great in a black pants and vest, white shirt and his hair neatly tied in a tail. He's stunning, I've never seen him so elegant except for our famous meetings in the theater lodge.

- Wait, something is missing -

He goes to the jacket that he left on the armchair and pulls out a velvet box, opens it and pulls out a beautiful pearl necklace perfect for that dress and, pulling my hair and caressing my neck with his fingertips, he hooks it printing a kiss on my shoulder.

- Now you're perfect, my perfect dream vision, come on let's go or we'll be late, look in the box, there is also the clutch bag matching the dress -

In fact I find a small clutch covered in the same silk as the dress, she really thought of everything. He takes me by the hand and we leave the cottage towards our first official dinner as husband and wife.

We arrive in the city center quite quickly so we manage to be on time, we enter the elegant hotel that houses the restaurant where we are headed, it is a beautiful place, a dream, as a dream seems to me life since I have close to this wonderful man.

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