45 - Huma

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I heard from mutual friends that Aziz is back in Istanbul.
After more than a year of wandering around the world he finally decided to return, the company has suffered from his absence and has had serious problems since Can also disappeared into thin air.


I didn't like his hasty greeting, he keeps his distance even more than usual since he broke up with Sanem, maybe he's angry with me for my unfriendly attitude towards the girl, but I don't care.
I've achieved my goal, I've distanced him from that woman who wasn't on his level and never would be.

I walk down the corridor of the agency looking around, it's been a long time since I had to come, but nothing has changed.
I arrive in front of the glass door of the main office and I see Aziz sitting at his desk, the years have passed but he is still a beautiful man, he looks fit and tanned.
I have a grip on my heart, despite the years and two other marriages I still have a soft spot for him.
I've never been able to get him out of my mind for good, he's been my obsession from my youth, ever since Mihriban introduced him to me I haven't been able to get him out of my head, he's gotten under my skin.

I did everything I could to get him and eventually I did, but in hindsight I can only say that I was never able to kick Mihriban out of his heart, I always had the extreme certainty that he still loved her deeply.
That's what drove me to shamelessly betray him, to try to hurt him at all costs, I took Emre away from him to make him suffer and I married other men, but my soft spot for him never went away.

I sigh and knock on the glass door entering without waiting for an answer, I see him look up surprised by the papers he was reading.
He lets himself fall against the back of the chair idly playing with a pen and smiles.

- Humaaa! What good wind has brought you here? Do we still have something to talk about?

I sit cheekily on the armchair in front of his desk, crossing my legs.

- Look, look, look, Mr. Aziz has stopped wandering around the world, he has finished enjoying life, he has finished having a good time and he has returned to his duties finally -

- Are you worried about the performance of your shares in Fikri Harika by any chance? -

- Of course if no one takes care of it the agency can't make it, how could it, you and Can have wandered off leaving all the responsibility on poor Emre's shoulders -

- Leave Can out of your claims, he has his own life and can do what he wants with it, he was only here to help me, if he left he must have had his own good reasons for sure -

I laugh scornfully.

- Yes, of course, he had good reasons, he was upset for the loss of a young girl from the neighborhood with no art and no part, with a family that... better to let it go.
I already have to suffer the shame of having them as in-laws because of Emre's rash choice, at least Can was saved from that rabble-rouser.

I see him getting up from the chair, putting his hands on the desk and leaning towards me with a threatening look.

- Don't you dare spout judgement, I'd say you can't afford it.
You live the good life thanks to the alimony of your many wealthy husbands, let's say it's not exactly something to brag about or be proud of, I wouldn't be if I were you.
Those are honest people who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow and love their daughters, very different people from Mrs. Huma, you are right.
Uzak dur, stay away from Emre and Can, you have only ever brought sadness and anguish into their lives, since they were little.
You divided them and drove them apart, they couldn't grow up as brothers, you deprived Emre of a father and Can of a mother. You were the worst example of motherly love -

He sits very calmly, adjusts his jacket.

- You will be contacted soon by Metin with a proposal to sell your shares, give them back and get out of our lives, nobody wants you here.
You were never here in the past and we don't need you in the present or future. Tamam, ok? -

I am shaken by his words, he has never been so harsh towards me, he caught me off guard, I didn't expect such a direct attack.
His words hit the nail on the head, I can't argue with any of them.

I get up upset and without saying a word I leave his office, I need to collect my ideas, I have to understand how to move.
I need money, my lifestyle has squandered a good part of the legacies of my other husbands, by now I have a limited patrimony left, which I'm investing in large part in a company with Yigit that builds luxury homes in the Balearic Islands, as well as shares in Fikri Harika. I have to make them as profitable as possible or I will have years of enormous sacrifice by my standards.

As I walk down the stairs I see Ceyda come up, I stop to say hello. I've always liked her, she's a rich woman of a certain rank, I've always seen her as the ideal companion for Can and she could be an excellent investor for my company, I mustn't let this opportunity pass me by.

-Ceyda what a pleasure! I've been thinking about you a lot lately, how are you? -

- Huma, nice to see you too.

- Have you seen Can? He has just left.

I see you are a little embarrassed - Yes, I met him, he was in a hurry, it seemed to me -

- Well yes, you know he's very busy, he just got back and he needs to catch up. He came back to stay at the agency, you know? I'm sure together you can come up with some great campaigns, don't you think? Why don't we meet for lunch tomorrow?

We'll arrange to meet the next day, I have to play my cards right, she's always been madly infatuated with Can, if I can approach them I can hope for her partnership in my project with Yigit.

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