67 - Unexpected arrivals and returns

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The pregnancy is now in its final stages, we didn't want to know if it's a boy or a girl, we just need to know she's doing well.

Layla some time after us found out she was also expecting and soon learned she was expecting twins. Everyone's joy went through the roof, the Aydin grandparents very excited about the arrival of three grandchildren in a few months.

Then came the wonderful news that Ayhan and Cey Cey are also expecting a baby, I am so happy to have my dear friend back and now we can also share the wonderful experience of motherhood together, it doesn't seem true.

Can was offered a photo shoot at the sites of the conflict in Syria, I saw in her eyes the excitement at the idea of being a witness and at the same time being able to fix and let the world know about the story through her photography. However, he was clearly hesitant at the thought of having to be away from me for a month at such a delicate time as pregnancy.

I couldn't let him miss such an opportunity, he had already given up a lot professionally to be close to me during the months of my illness and then after our marriage. I had to fight against hisresistance for a long time but in the end he decided to accept, I knew it was what he wanted, his instinct as an image hunter in which to stop people and emotions was too strong, he needed it and it was right that he did it.

It was the longest month of my life, I was anxious that something might happen to him in those war-torn places, but I tried to make myself feel calm and confident during our evening calls. I could feel him worrying about me, he was afraid that the stress of his departure could have negative repercussions on his pregnancy, I was well aware of that.

The day he was due to return, I was very excited, I had just entered my eighth month and the weight of my baby bump was making it more and more difficult for me to move, but that particular morning I woke up with a terrible backache. My mother, who had come to stay with me during Can's absence, looked at me with a worried look - Are you okay askim? -

-Evet, evet. yes I must have slept in an uncomfortable position last night, that's all -

In the course of the morning instead the pain grew, it started coming in recurring waves closer and closer until the water broke.

It couldn't have been too soon!
My mother immediately informed Mihriban and Aziz, after the first convulsive moments in which everyone was moving around me, agitated and not knowing what to do, Medvike took the situation in hand: bag ready and off to the hospital. Intense pain and fear followed, it was too early, the baby wasn't due for another month and Can wouldn't arrive until the evening. Each hour lasted an eternity, the contractions became closer and closer and at each check by the midwife the birth seemed to be closer and closer.

When they told me it was time to go to the delivery room my heart was pounding, it shouldn't be born yet, it's too early and there is no Can like me, I shook my head stubbornly, I told them no, it can't be done. The pain and worry do not make me reason, my mother takes my hand and looks at me with her hypnotic gaze that I can not help but obey.

-Sanem, nature must take its course, do what the doctor tells you, come on! -

She has managed to bring me back to calm and reason, I nod, I have to do what's best for the baby, I can't put him in danger. I have to resign myself, I lie down on the gurney to be taken to the delivery room, I cry from the worry that something might happen and from the regret of not having the man I love next to me.
The corridor seems endless, the neon lights on the ceiling that I'm staring at through my tears follow one another at a steady pace as if they will never end, we arrive in the delivery room and I get ready. The contractions are now closer and more violent, the last one left me literally breathless, I feel that the moment is near, the midwife confirms that we are there, just a few more pushes. We hear a commotion outside the door, muffled voices, we see shadows moving and then there he is.

My albatross has returned to me once again, at the time I needed him most.

He looks quite ridiculous in his green fabric scrubs, cap and shoe cover, but all that matters is his look, concerned, happy and full of love for me.

- Can? How did you get here so early? Your plane was supposed to arrive tonight -

- When Emre warned me I rushed to the airport and managed to rent a small passenger plane, I would have done anything to be here with you right now -

I'm about to tell him how much I love him when a contraction a thousand times stronger than the others comes and shakes me, the midwife instructs me to breathe and push when she tells me to. I squeeze Can's hand tightly, I feel him caressing my forehead and whispering to me all his love, that I am strong, that I can make it, that he is close to me. I am exhausted from so many hours of labor, but his voice gives me strength and determination for the last powerful push that brings our little miracle into the world.

We hear her vigorous crying, a few moments and the midwife approaches with the tiny bundle that is now the center of our world - Mom, Dad I present to you your daughter -

A little girl! I look at Can and can't hold back the tears at the sight of that mountain of a man melting at the sight of the tiny creature being laid in his arms. He is clearly moved, enchanted and lost looking into the eyes for the first time of the new love of his life.

He walks up to me smiling - Sanem, she's beautiful! She's all mommy looks! - I smile and cry, the moment is one of those that remain indelibly imprinted in every woman's life, the first time they lay their eyes on their child. Can is right, she has my hair and even the cut of her eyes looks like mine. I'm just in time to give her a light kiss on the forehead when the doctor tells me that he has to steal her from us for routine checks, she was born prematurely and everything has to be checked to make sure it's okay.

We look at each other ecstatic and happy once again to be together and living a dream, our dream, our life together is a beautiful endless dream.

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