42 - Home

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Waking up every morning with my wife in my arms, with my Sanem held close to me, is always an exhilarating feeling, I still find it hard to believe that this is not a dream.
We were a month out of reality, we needed it badly to learn to know each other on a different, deeper and more conscious level and to learn how to live every day.

Our existence together begins, our life together in reality begins, we love each other deeply, we are both aware of it now, and I'm sure we can face anything together, the daily routine and the problems that life will inevitably put in front of us.

I plan to resume my work. I heard from my dad right after the wedding, I actually sent him a picture of us in our wedding attire taken shortly after the ceremony, and from the tone of his voice in the phone call I received 15 seconds flat after I sent it, I think I almost gave him a heart attack.
He was incredulous but also extremely happy for me, he doesn't know Sanem but in these months I've talked to him a lot about her, he was my confidant in the darkest moments of her illness, he encouraged me not to give up, to fight for our love because, if I was sure that it was THE REAL love, then I couldn't give up.
I had to fight with all my might to find her, wherever she had taken refuge, and bring her back into reality and into my arms. It was through her support that I found the strength to not give up, day after day, night after night.

He told me about loving a woman so much as a boy and regretting a lifetime of his inability to fight for her, of losing her forever.

- Don't make the same mistake I did, son, you have to hold on and fight for what is yours, for the love of your life, if you give up you will regret it bitterly.

Now my father is on his way back, he will arrive in Istanbul today and I suggested picking him up at the airport, I really need to hug him. He's my father but he's also my best friend, I missed him terribly and I feared so much for his health, I can't wait to see him again.

Sanem asks me to drop her off downtown on my way to the airport, she has errands to run, I will see her at the estate in the evening.

I'm also going to stop by Fikri Harika to talk to Emre and find out the current situation of the agency, I feel guilty for leaving him so suddenly for so many months, but I couldn't do otherwise and he understood and accepted this.

It's great to see a smiling and tanned Aziz crossing the international arrivals gate, Cuba has definitely given him a new spirit, he's cheerful and in great shape, I'm really happy that everything worked out for the best.

We stop for lunch in the center and then together we go to the agency to meet Emre, their meeting is also heartfelt and full of strong emotions for both of them.

The agency is not in good shape, but luckily nothing that can't be fixed, my father asks me to return to my job as art director and I'm happy to accept.

I have no intention of leaving Istanbul now that my heart has found a home.

I only have one condition, I am going to take small freelance jobs, when the commissions at the agency allow me to, so that I can take Sanem with me to learn about the world. With pats on the back and amused smiles they gladly accept, they know me and know that every now and then I need to leave, the only difference is that now I won't be doing it alone. I accompany my father home with the understanding that we would meet the next day at the agency and then have dinner together at our place to finally introduce him to my Sanem. I'm sure he'll love her instantly, she's like that, you can't resist her.

I stop to buy some flowers for my wife and drive back to the estate.

I can't wait to get there, it's amazing, but when we're away I miss her every single moment, it's like I can't breathe all the way without her with me.

- Can Divit you're a definitely lucky rascal to have met her again - I tell myself shaking my head and laughing to myself as I drive home... I finally found my home, in her arms

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