17 - A new life

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Sanem is getting better every day, she would soon be discharged from the hospital and I had to act fast.

I looked for the girl's doctor, Hüseyin, an old friend of mine from high school, I know he can't talk about patients but I explain my idea to him and he can't help but agree with me that it would be the best solution for the girl.

We're in the garden and I'm telling Sanem about how beautiful my estate is, how it's surrounded by nature, on the shores of the sea, how it's a peaceful place, out of the time and bustle of the city.
She listens to me and smiles, as if she is imagining every aspect of the dream place I am telling her about, she tells me that I am very lucky to live there away from the chaos and confusion of Istanbul.

I take her hand smiling encouragingly.

- Sanem, in my property there are many small buildings where no one lives, how about coming with me? You could choose the one you like best and in exchange for the accommodation you would only have to help me a little with the vegetable garden and the greenhouse, I'm not asking you for anything else.

She looks at me surprised by the proposal but also hopeful, it is clear that she is very tempted by my offer but....

- My parents would never allow me to come, they wouldn't be comfortable with me being alone away from them, I'm sure of it.

- But you wouldn't be alone, I would be very close to you in case of need, I'm sure it would be great for you to come and stay with me, open spaces, green, clean air, silence.
That's what you need to recover completely, don't worry, I'll talk to your mother and... I've already moved some pawns in our favor, you'll see, güven bana, trust me -

I wink at her and shake her hand, she smiles hopefully, it's clear that she would love to accept my proposal.

And so here we are, ten days later, with Sanem's luggage ready to be transported to the farm and the girl, reborn in body and spirit, embracing and thanking all the clinic staff, the patients to whom she is so fond and who will surely miss her kind presence.

I take her hand - Ready for your new life? -

She takes a big breath, relaxes her shoulders smiling and shakes my hand.
- Yes, absolutely yes, I'm ready! Let's go -

Bulut, the farm's handyman boy, came with his off-roader to pick us up and help us with Sanem's luggage, her parents held her in their arms with tears in their eyes, they would have liked her back home, but the doctor had advised her to stay in a new environment, in the green, far from uncomfortable memories.
So they were forced to give in to Sanem's request, they are happy that I offered to host her, they have come to know and appreciate me, they know I will take care of their girl.

As I accompany her towards the exit of the clinic I look up at the construction site, at a window I see Can following us with his eyes, he raises a thumb in sign of understanding and I smile briefly.

We're ready for the next step, I pray to Allah that our plan will work, I hope so for Sanem and I also hope so for that boy who is beginning to like me, he seems to be really willing to make up for the mistakes he made with Sanem.

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