25 - Dream

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My abandoned body is slowly descending towards the depths of the sea, silence surrounds me, I'm lost, I'm desperate, around me nothingness... maybe this is the peace I need and that I have been searching for a long time...

I lost you my love... where are you now?

Even in what are probably my last moments, my thoughts go to him, to the love of my life, I would like to see him just one last time as in the dreams that have rocked me in recent months ... it was so nice to feel held in his arms, to feel his caress in my hair ... I'm letting myself go.... I'm going down more and more ...

When I feel like I'm losing my senses and I'm starting to think it's over, here's a firm grip that takes my hand, I feel myself being pulled hard.

Am I dreaming? ....

In my dream all is silence, all is peace, there is no time and no place, is it all over?
Is this the afterlife? A place where the anguish of the life we have lived no longer exists, where everything is silent?

Here, however, in the total silence of nothingness, a voice emerges, a distant echo that already in the past has led me to feel the irrepressible need to follow it, to reach it wherever it is.
It is HIS voice...

- Sanem,

Sanem, lütfen, please

come back to me aşkım, my love

come back to me

Sanem... Sanem-

I can't and won't resist that call, the peace and silence are suddenly replaced by the roar in my ears and a stabbing pain in my chest.

I open my eyes to the face I love most in the world, my eyes in his eyes as never in my dreams of him over the past few months had I experienced.

A convulsive cough shakes me and I am forced to close them because of the excruciating pain I feel in that moment, I feel myself being lifted up and his strong arms hold me to his chest.
Although my chest is on fire I can't suppress a sigh of ecstasy, I'm exactly where I want to be for the rest of my life, if this is death then I'm in heaven.

I rest my forehead in the hollow of his neck to savor his warmth, his scent, his light caress on my back.
He whispers words of love to me as he always does in my dreams, but this time with a desperate note in his tone that touches my soul.

It's like he's really here with me, it's a wonderful dream, the best I've had since he left .

Because of me. It's all my fault, I'm the one who sent him away and now I'm condemned to live only on dreams and regrets.

Where are you my love? Come back to me...

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