37 -Seni çok seviyorum (I love you so much)

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We hug everyone on the way out of City Hall moved and happy as we get in the car I ask him - Where are we going? Back to the estate? -

Can looks at me smiling, takes my hand and brings it to his lips to kiss it, giving me a murderous look.

- I have a surprise in store for my wife tonight - -.

I can't help but blush and struggle to keep my breathing normal when my heart is beating at an insane rate.

His smile widens as he sees my obvious embarrassment, starts the engine and drives into the chaotic traffic of Istanbul without ever letting go of my hand and taking every opportunity to give me looks full of love and adoration.

They're the same ones I have for him, I can't believe this has happened, I can't believe I'm his wife. As if he has read my mind....

- Karım, my wife, I like to hear this word, I like to repeat it out loud, only then it seems to take body and reality, I can finally call you my wife, Seni çok seviyorum Sanem, I love you so much -

- Seni çok seviyorum , I love you so much Can askim my love-

We experience the same disbelief, the same feeling of unreality, we can't believe that after all that has happened we are here today, husband and wife, happy as we never managed to be until now because of external interferences and misunderstandings.

I am engrossed in these thoughts, in adoration of the wonderful man who is beside me and whom I can now call kocam, my husband, so much so that I don't realize where we are going until we turn into a huge gate and in front of us appears an endless expanse of boats.

- Can? -

- Shh, now you'll see-

He stops the engine and rushes down to open the door on the passenger side and help me down, he takes my arm and then, proud and beautiful in his tuxedo, he leads me through the harbor to the sea, we certainly do not go unnoticed, whistles, shouts of congratulations and applause accompany us festively along the quay until we stop in front of a beautiful boat. I look at it questioningly.

- Yes Sanem, it's my boat. It has been an important part of my life and I want to start our life together in my boat, at sea, free from everything and everyone.
Just you and me between the sky and the sea, I want to cradle you in my arms to the rhythm of the waves, I want to admire the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises with you if you want....

I am enchanted by his words, I have tears in my eyes for the emotion and the immense love I feel for this unique man, my husband, the other half of my world, my everything.

I smile happily and throw my arms around his neck shouting - Eveett -
He smiles with me, with a sudden fluid movement he takes me in his arms and, like a well-trained tightrope walker, climbs up the gangway to take me aboard.
He puts me gently ashore and invites me to sit next to him on the settee while he prepares to set sail. My sailor husband is definitely a lookout in his tuxedo, moving safely between sails and moorings, I can't take my eyes off him.
He goes down to the deck for a moment, only to return shortly after with a soft plaid that rests lovingly on my shoulders, kissing me softly on top.

We hastily leave the port to head north, the sun is setting on the horizon and the light of that moment makes the landscape almost unreal, the boat advances silently and we see parading in front of us the Galata Tower, then the Tower of the Maiden and finally Ayasofya, Santa Sofia, already skilfully illuminated with a sky of a thousand shades of sunset to frame it.
I feel like I'm dreaming and everything seems even more magical when my husband takes me in his arms while he pilots the boat safely out of the Bosphorus towards the Mediterranean Sea.

Can there be such happiness? My heart seems to burst, I turn to look at him adoringly, I put my hand on his cheek, I enchain my eyes in his, I can not find the words, there are no words to express the exaltation of that moment, I just kiss him with transport and then whisper touched - Seni çok çok seviyorum, I love you so, so, so askim, my love💗

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