60 - Our life together

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Our life in the last year has been a real whirlwind of events and emotions, after so much pain our love has led us back into each other's arms, we managed to find each other again and we could promise each other eternal love.

The happiness of finally being together was enormous, but we had to face first the resentment of my parents towards Can and then the truth about the terrible machinations of Huma who did everything to keep us away from each other.

I feel tremendously sorry for Can who must now come to terms with the reality of what has been orchestrated against him. It can't be easy to have to accept that his mother could have hurt him so much, in her sick mind she did it "for his own good" so that he wouldn't have anything to do with someone like me.

I am very sad for him, but I also feel sorry for that woman who has never understood the value of maternal affection and is destined to a life in solitude with the exclusive company of her resentment towards everyone.

We left the agency hand in hand, his soul clearly in turmoil with the regret of what could have been and never would have been, he never had a mother by his side and never would have.

He took me up the coast to the little restaurant of our "first lunch" together and, thankfully, the memories of our beginnings, our first moments together helped him let the sadness slip away.

Once we ordered our lunch we stood with our hands intertwined on the table looking into each other's eyes, remembering the feelings of those first moments, he told me how tremendously beautiful he found me, sunny funny and how he felt helpless in front of that huge engagement ring shining on my finger.

While we're laughing about his fixation on that ring and my constant forgetting to put it on, since it really had no value to me, suddenly everything starts swirling around me. I got up suddenly to go to the bathroom overcome by an intense feeling of sickness when I was seized by a strong dizziness and then darkness.

I come to my senses shortly after in Can's arms, his heartfelt tone of voice and his worried gaze soften me enormously, that big man is in a complete panic because of his apprehension for me, how much I loved him.

I stroke his cheek reassuringly - Don't worry Can, it must have been the stress of the last few days, don't worry, it's nothing -.

He helps me to get up and I return to sit in front of a very restless Can, I smile at him taking his hand and trying to reassure him, but he continues to be agitated.

- I think we should go to the hospital Sanem, it's not normal what happened, we should have some tests done.

I keep smiling telling him that there is no need, it's all over and I feel fine, it was just a temporary discomfort. He continues to be unconvinced.

- Sanem, because of me you've been through hell these last months, you've been so sick and now that you're recovering I can still cause you anguish, first because of my relationship with your parents and now with what happened with my mother. You're still fragile, you can't subject yourself to this kind of stress, from now on nothing will happen, I promise you, I will do everything to avoid it.

It's my duty to take care of you and instead I keep dragging you into tense and conflicting situations, I'm so sorry my love -

-Can, please stop saying that. Seni çok seviyorum, I love you so much, you are my strength and I find in you all the courage I need to face everything.
This is living our life together, this is how it will be from now on, our love will allow us to face any obstacle we may face, if we are together nothing and nobody can stop us . I was bad, it's true, but that was because you were not next to me at that moment, now we are together for life and I fear nothing, you are my anchor, you are my stronghold against any adversity. Seni çok seviyorum-

I see his eyes get shiny, we both wish we were alone in that intense moment and not in a public place.

-Sanem, you are an angel, you are wonderful, you are unique and I still can't find the words to express what you are to me.

I only know one thing....

.... I don't deserve you.

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