16 - Ben onu çok seviyorum ( I love her so much)

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My Sanem is literally blooming again, she becomes more beautiful every day, I remain enchanted looking at her in that beautiful garden. My Sanem is coming back, she smiles at everyone and greets the elderly with the sweetness of the past, you can see that she has begun to appreciate the company of others, the beauty of nature, even the warmth of the sun on her skin.

I would like to join her on that bench in her afternoons that, fortunately, are no longer solitary, sometimes Mevkibe or Layla come, more often it is with her that volunteer that I noticed from the early days who spoke to her tirelessly trying to attract her attention.

Now I see them talking warmly, laughing and smiling, they seem to have found a very good harmony and I'm happy that she has found a sincere friend in this place, you can tell that woman loves her, she looks at her and treats her as if she were a rare thing.

I agree with her, my Sanem is more unique than rare...and she is shining again. I'm on my way back to the construction site after yet another lunch break spent secretly observing her as she writes absorbedly in her notebook when, all of a sudden, that little woman appears in front of me, the very volunteer I was thinking of, as if I had conjured her up with my thoughts.
She has a decidedly belligerent demeanor.

- What do you think you're doing? Huh? I see what's going on, Sanem thinks you're a vision, an illusion produced by her mind.
You go to her at night when she's dizzy from the medication, don't you? She thinks she's dreaming but it's you in the flesh. Ne yapıyorsun, what are you doing? What more do you want from Sanem?
Didn't you see what you did to her? -

I remain speechless for a moment, the sense of guilt devours me that's for sure, but my determination to make amends, to help Sanem to come back is strong and I would have fought against everything and everyone.

- Yes it's true, it's my fault that she is here and that she has fallen into an abyss of despair, I never wanted to do this to her, I swear. I never thought she would react so badly to our separation.
I didn't know what happened, I've been out of Turkey for three months and since I came back and found out she's here I'm doing everything I can to help her. I got myself hired at that construction site just to be near her, I tried everything to help her come back to reality.
Yes, I'm the one who goes to her room at night and talks to her, I've tried everything to get my Sanem back and it's working.

At first it was just seeing me in the garden that started to shake her unflappability, but now I don't show up during the day, I don't want to upset her right now, we'll talk when she's ready.
Now she just has to think about getting well and if, thanks to the drugs they give her at night, she thinks she dreams of being with me every night and this helps her, well come, I will do everything in my power to bring back to life the wonderful creature I fell in love with.

Ben onu çok seviyorum, I love her so much.
I risked losing her and I realized that I cannot live without her, when I came back to Istanbul I understood that and I ran to tell her, I never thought I would find her in that state.
Now I just have to do everything I can to help her to heal, then I pray to Allah that she will find the strength to forgive me for what I did to her -

I hear her release her breath as if she had been holding it until that moment, she nods and looks around, nods again and looks me straight in the eye with the pride of a lioness.

- So let's say I'm going to help you bring back the real Sanem, tamam, okay? I love that girl and I want to help her at all costs -.
She approaches me and puts her index finger in the middle of my chest with a threatening attitude, looking me straight in the eyes he brings her nose to a centimeter from my chin, given her height she can't do more, but it's pretty creepy you have to admit.

- Tamam, ok, I'll help you get her out of here and make her heal but, bak, look I'm warning you, try to make one false move that will make her suffer again and I swear I'll come after you to the ends of the earth and I'll rip every single hair from your beautiful hair one by one. Tamam? -

The situation would have been almost comical if I wasn't aware of the seriousness of the moment and the words of the little woman who was threatening me without a shadow of fear.

- Tamam, it's a deal. I am Can, sen? You? -
- I am Mihriban, remember this name, I could become your worst nightmare, be careful how you act -

With these words and a firm handshake, a decidedly wacky alliance was sealed, but one that could work.

I needed all the help I could get at that moment and that woman, I had seen it with my own eyes, loved Sanem very much, she could be my unhoped for luck.

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