47 - Family Dinner

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I had asked Mihriban for advice, then Denise, and at that point Aliye, the girl who works for me at the laboratory of the creams with Denise, joined me. The fact is that we all ended up in the kitchen that afternoon to prepare my first dinner as "daughter-in-law".
I was nervous and my friends had noticed and, being the wonderful and priceless women that they are, they decided to join me in an afternoon of laughter, chatting and teasing from which came out a respectable dinner.

They left me, between kisses and hugs, with the understanding that they would keep the secret of their role in the preparation of the evening even at the cost of their own lives.

I'm nervous, I caught a few minutes glimpse of Aziz on my first day at Fikri Harika, he seemed like a friendly and warm person, but after knowing his ex-wife as I did, I have to say there is some apprehension about his judgment on my marriage to his son.

Can came back early to help me with the final preparations, got wine and dessert and, I might as well get used to this, brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers again tonight to thank me for the effort in preparing for the evening, if he knew!

We have just finished setting a lovely table on the porch when the call comes from Aziz who has arrived at the gate of the estate, Can leaves me to go meet him and guide him here.
My agitation rises, my palms are sweaty and I am forced to rub them several times on the skirt of my dress as I walk back and forth in the sitting room, I hear voices approaching and I go out to greet them.
Aziz looks at me smiling, I reach out a hand to greet him but I find myself wrapped in a warm, fatherly embrace, I have tears in my eyes with emotion!

-Welcome to the family, my daughter.

I'm more and more moved, I didn't expect such a warm welcome, I exchange a complicit glance with Can who nods and looks at us smugly.

Aziz looks at me holding my hands on my arms.
- I'm happy to meet you, Can has told me so much about you over the last few months, I know Layla well and I adore her, I'm sure you are just as enchanting - I can't even speak.

I can't even speak, so much emotion is squeezing my throat, I smile, grateful for his beautiful words and for the warmth with which he is accepting me into his family.

Can invites us to sit down and start eating, I hurry up to serve dinner which, course after course, is a real success.
Both of them seem to be amazed by the quality of the food, I wonder if Can has shared with his father some doubts about my skills in the kitchen.

If so, how can I blame him?

We spend a pleasant evening talking about this and that, his stay abroad, the agency, Deren, Cey Cey and Guliz. At one point Aziz seems to remember something important to tell Can.

- Ah, Can I saw the CEO of Compass today, she is thrilled with your return, she said she appreciates your work and definitely wants you to do the photography for her campaigns.

Since that's what you've asked me to do from now on, i.e. to take care of the art part only, I accepted, this client is very important for us if we want to bring Fikri Harika back to its former glory -.

As she speaks Can stiffens up and looks at me worriedly, I'm not at all happy to hear this news, Ceyda has always shown herself to be a woman determined to get what she wants and, in this case, she has always wanted Can for herself.

On the other hand it's work and if we want to start our marriage on the right foot the first step is definitely trust, I look at him reassuringly and I extend a hand to put it on his nodding.
He nods in turn, no need for words, he knows I trust him.

We resume our dinner, and I am informed that Aziz intends to rent one of the cottages on the Mihriban estate to enjoy the greenery and good air in this corner of paradise.
I am very happy that he is coming to stay with us, he seems like a good person and he has certainly been lonely all these months away from his family, evidently he feels the need to be near his son.

While I'm in the kitchen getting the dessert I hear the sound of a message on my cell phone, it's Metin asking me to go to his studio the next day because he has some news for me.
My heart speeds up the beat, I hope good news is waiting for me.

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