34 - Mine Forever

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I was in the grip of a very strong emotion, hearing her say those words, hearing her say that she loves me, makes my heart beat with an even more intense, even more visceral love.

I can't stand it any longer and I take her in my arms, I kiss her for a long time with all the transport I feel in that moment: there is love, there is passion, there is adoration, there is devotion for her. This woman inspires me with all these feelings and many, many more. I hear her sigh and return the kiss with equal enthusiasm, she is surrendering in my embrace, she is mine as she has never been before, more than I could imagine, I feel my heart explode with love and happiness.
I make a sudden, instinctive decision, from the gut and heart.
It's crazy maybe, but after what we've been through I don't want to think, I don't want to waste any more time, I don't want to risk losing her, she must be mine.

I interrupt our kiss and, still holding her tightly in my arms, I look her seriously in the eyes.

- Sanem, seni çok çok seviyorum, I love you so, so much.
I can't live without you, that's what I wanted to tell you since the first moment I set foot on the port of Istanbul on my way back from my escape, you're the only woman who can light up my life, who can give it meaning, you, only you.
I was a fool to leave you and it will never happen again, I promised you during our long nights together in the hospital, I have told you a million times.
I love you, I will love you forever and will never let you go again.

Sanem my precious, beautiful Sanem, will you marry me? -

She smiles through her tears, her eyes are wide with disbelief at those words, she is as beautiful as I have ever seen her before, she is radiant, she is happy, she is mine.

- Eveeeet, yesìììììì !!!!!!!-

We collide in an embrace and a kiss of an impetus driven by our sincere feelings, by the happiness of having found the other we had feared lost forever.

Out of breath, I pull away from her, smiling.

- Sanem, I'm not joking, I want to marry you and I want to do it now.
Today itself, I want you to be mine right now, I don't want anyone to put new obstacles in front of us Sanem, it's you and me, my love for you and yours for me, there must be nothing else.
We'll come to terms with reality later, now only we exist.
Do you want that? -

I see her hesitate in amazement, it's not easy for her to make such a decision, her upbringing, the traditions she grew up with, the neighborhood, the judgments of others always to be feared.
I realize I'm putting a lot of pressure on her and I'm about to tell her when she surprises me by screaming again.

- Eveeeet, yes !!!!!!!-

In a moment I am on my feet and I lift her in the air taking her under here arms to spin with her in circles screaming as she did - Eveeeet, yes yes yes yes yes yes !!!!!!! -

We are happy, with a singular happiness, the happiness of those who have been shipwrecked in a hopeless sea and now see land on the horizon, it is an irrepressible joy that makes us open our hearts and souls to the other.

I break away from her, take her by the shoulders and say - Bir dakika bekl, wait a minute - I run into the shed and get everything I need, I go back out in a whirlwind of excitement, take her by the hand and laughing, we run to the car.
We pass by the cottage so she can get what she needs too.

While I'm waiting for her I call Emre and let him know what's going on, to say he's shocked is an understatement, we agree on how to proceed.
As soon as I'm done with Emre I call Mihriban, I'm forced to move the phone away so as not to have my hearing damaged by her scream of joy when I tell her that we're getting married.
She is overjoyed for us, our guardian angel, it is only thanks to her that we have been able to reach this happy ending. I provide all the necessary instructions to her as well.

The day passes in a whirlwind of events, first the wedding office to prepare all the necessary documents, then I take her to the boutique of a dear friend for whom I made an advertising campaign years ago, I know that he will find everything we need for me and for her, I also call a hairdresser to fix her hair and makeup, I want her to feel beautiful.
In my eyes she looks great in her funny pajamas with bunnies but I want her to feel unique and special.
While she gets ready I finish organizing everything, I want this day to be memorable for both of us, we deserve it.

I finally hear her come out of the room she was reserved in the boutique to get ready, it's a breathtaking sight.
My eyes don't even want to blink so as not to miss a single moment of such beauty, she's my dream come true, she's everything I could want in this world and soon she will be mine.

Mine forever.

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