14 - Yigit and Huma

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Since that night when she spoke to me and held me tightly in her arms Sanem's condition started to improve day by day.

I saw her looking around in the garden and talking to a lady who often comes to keep the guests company, she must be a volunteer. She listens to her, talks to her, smiles at her, she almost seems to be back to the Sanem of old.

I have to be careful, I'd better not be seen in the garden now that she seems more aware of her surroundings. I just live intensely our nightly encounters, she still thinks she's dreaming but fortunately my presence seems to give her comfort anyway, she's getting better by the day.

Realizing that I am not a vision of her imagination could cause her trauma and, in this delicate phase of her recovery, could be devastating.

I have to limit myself to watching her from the roof of the construction site or by staying well hidden behind the garden bushes during the day.

In the meantime, I have made a decision, I will go to Yigit.

Just as Sanem is struggling to find his way back to life, I have to remedy the mistakes I've made, I'm doing it with her in every possible way, but it's time to take responsibility for what I've caused to that man.

Sanem had given me her address some time before so I decide to take the situation head on and go straight to his house.

It's an apartment on the ground floor of a building in a residential neighborhood in the new part of town.

I knock on the door, hear some commotion inside then the door opens slowly and I see him standing at the door, Allah be praised, albeit heavily leaning on a stick.

He doesn't have a happy expression to see me but not completely hostile either, I ask him if it's possible to talk for a moment, I see him hesitate, but in the end he agrees to let me in.

I am stunned when I arrive in the living room and find my mother sitting on the couch.

-Can oğul, son, when did you come back? Why didn't you call me? -

- Anne, mom, what are you doing here? -

I see her fidgeting slightly uncomfortable.

- Well I came to see this man who is going through a critical time because of my son, what else? -

- Of course mom, your mercy is renowned, everyone knows you are such a charitable woman.

Anyway, just because what happened to Yigit is my fault, as you have well pointed out as the loving mother you are, I am here to take my responsibilities.

I'm happy that the accident didn't have the terrible consequences that were feared at the beginning, Yigit I apologize for what happened, it wasn't my intention to react so abruptly and I never wanted to damage your health, I would like to cover the expenses you are facing for the therapies if you allow me to do so -

I seem to catch a strange exchange of glances between the two then I feel the anger mounting at my mother's words.

- All this because of that girl from the neighborhood, I don't understand what you find in her, it seems as if she has cast a spell on you Can -

- Mom this is not the time and place for such talk, but I'm just warning you of one thing. Uzak dur, stay away from Sanem, stay away from her, tamam, ok ? -

Again a strange look between the two then Yigit speaks.

- It's been months since I've heard from Sanem, it's like she disappeared into thin air, she must have left because of you, you only hurt her, you're the one who should stay away from her.

I don't want anything from you, go away and don't come back, I don't need your charity or your compassion -

I sigh, I can't counter her words in any way, she has no idea how close they come to the reality of the situation Sanem is in.

I nod.

- My offer still stands if you think you need financial help for medical expenses, hoscakal, goodbye -

With this I cast one last angry glance at Huma and leave the house with a strange feeling, those two together don't convince me at all.

I definitely need to keep them away from Sanem.

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