19 - Hope

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I say goodbye to my colleagues at the construction site, my work here is over, my place is elsewhere now, it's near my Sanem.

I head towards the address Mehriban gave me, we agreed to meet in front of the gate because, according to the building Sanem would have chosen, she would have assigned me the farthest one possible to avoid running into her by chance during the day.

I can't and I don't want to stay away from her, I know that she will continue to take the same medications she took at the clinic at night to help her rest so I have no intention of interrupting my nightly visits.

I find Mihriban at the agreed upon location, she gets in the car with me and drives me down a dirt road that runs along the property.
We arrive at a small wrought iron gate, she opens it and at the end of a tree-lined avenue a small wooden hut emerges, it's very similar to mine and I can't help but fall in love with it at first sight.

We agree that I will give Sanem time to acclimatize and I will only visit in the middle of the night, she explained me where to find the spare key to her chalet.

I have no words to thank this woman, she is an angel, I don't know how I would have approached Sanem if she had gone back to her parents' neighborhood, she would have been under their strict surveillance and they would have never allowed me to approach her.

In this way I have a hope that with time I can fix things between us, I just want to take her in my arms to never let her go again, that day will come, Can, have faith, it will come.

I don't intend to sit on my hands, I offered to clear that part of Mihriban's property of weeds in exchange for his hospitality, she told me I could meet a guy who works there as a handyman, a certain Bulut, she made him aware of the situation and will keep our secret.

Well, it seems to me that everything is going well, I'm just looking forward to the night, by now it has become my friend, it's my place of happiness.

When night falls I can finally get close to my Sanem that is happiness for me, nothing else exists.

Only her, only us.

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