49 - All for the best

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I have to say that my husband really appreciated the surprise, I smile while I'm preparing breakfast hearing the shower water running.
It was an intense and unforgettable night, I let my imagination run wild, I must admit that certain accessories help to unleash the imagination.

I keep smiling as I feel him embrace me from behind and feel his lips on my neck, I think we can never have enough of each other.

I ask him if he can take me downtown on his way to the agency, he replies that he has to go talk to Mihriban for a moment about the cottage for his father and then we can go.

I hurriedly prepare myself a little nervous at the thought of what Metin will tell me, rather than publish it with Yigit I'd rather give up, I'd rather abandon my dream.
I don't want anything more to do with him.

I knock on the door of the office decidedly anxious, Metin greets me with his usual cordiality and, aware of my agitation, gets down to business.

- Sanem, I have good news for you, I have found some loopholes in the contract that allow you to terminate it by getting away with paying a minimum penalty.
If you give me a mandate I will immediately proceed to prepare all the necessary acts -

I can't believe it, I feel the weight of a boulder lifted from my shoulders, I get up and walk around the desk to hug him, he is amazed but welcomes my enthusiasm, he understands my mood in light of the revelations I have made.

I leave Metin feeling like I'm walking an inch off the ground, I stop at the post office to mail an envelope. I had wanted to be optimistic and had brought with me a copy of the manuscript that I now finally feel free to send to another publisher.
I cross my fingers and pray to my lucky stars that they will watch over my dream and lead me to realize it.

I decide to go back to see my parents since I am back in town, I have missed them so much. I call Layla and tell her I'm going and ask her if she wants to join me for lunch at their place, she eagerly accepts.
While I'm walking along those streets that I love so much and that remind me of the happy days of my childhood, at a certain point an abandoned building that when I was little housed a large tailor's shop catches my attention. I remember that the closure of that business had left many families in the neighborhood without work and without any economic support, a real tragedy for such a popular area.

I look up to assess the condition of the building as a whole, it is not bad, an idea begins to form in my mind, I ask information to the owner of a nearby bar and I am directed to the clothing store a few blocks away.
I decide to go there right away to see if it's something that can take shape, the owner listens to me intently and seems enthusiastic about the idea. We sit down outside the store to discuss the various details and I soon realize that it can be done, the rent would not be exorbitant at all and he tells me that the work to be done would be minimal, over time he has been careful to make small repairs necessary.
I ask him to accompany me to see the interior and I fall in love instantly, it is spacious and bright, I can already see with the eyes of imagination how it could come.
We part with the understanding that my lawyer will be contacted shortly for all the necessary paperwork.

I head back to my neighborhood once again in disbelief at how quickly things change for the better, now another idea begins to take shape in my mind.
I go to my father's store where I am sure to find my mother at this time of the morning, I am greeted once again with endless kisses and hugs.
I ask my mother, who is still the President of the neighborhood, if she can organize a meeting in the library for early afternoon with all the women without employment. She is surprised but happy to oblige, the neighborhood tam tam takes very little time to inform all those who should be present. We went home to prepare lunch and, while I was trying to learn some of my mother's recipes to propose to Can, I explained my idea to her, she was thrilled and hugged me excitedly telling me she was very proud of me.
Layla joins us and the lunch is beautiful, it's like going back in time when we all lived together under the same roof, I miss those moments together but I wouldn't go back for anything in the world, now I have my own life and I've taken my own way as it is right.

At that thought I feel guilty for not having faced the Can and parents problem yet, at the moment I'm busy with so many things, the wedding, the creams, the book, Yigit, now the new project that I don't have the head and the strength to face this too, but soon it will have to be done even if I'm very much afraid of that moment.

Layla also joins the meeting in the library, she is curious to understand what I have in mind, I explain to the women of my intention to create my creamery in the building of the old tailor's shop and I would like to employ all local staff. I ask who would be willing to work with me under the guidance and supervision of Denise and Aliye and I receive enthusiastic adhesions from all the younger women in the neighborhood, excited to have the opportunity to work on their doorstep.

I am happy for all the news that this day has brought me, and I return to the estate eager to talk to Can and hear his opinion. For now I won't tell him anything about the book, I'm waiting to see if he has any feedback before I talk about it.

I'm so happy, since my albatross has resumed his place next to me everything is taking the right turn, he's my lucky charm I'm sure.

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