21 - One phoenix

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My Sanem was being reborn to new life, the Mihriban estate made her feel extremely well, she had regained the appearance she had when I first met her with her rosy face and smile ready to open up at any moment.

She would take long walks in the woods or stay for hours and hours looking at the sea, I know because every day, moving furtively through the trees, I went to spy on her from afar. Sometimes I would find her in the small garden in front of her cottage or in the greenhouse where she started to plant and take care of a series of flowers that she needs to make her wonderful creams.

She asked Bulut to help her set up a small shed at the back of her cottage and there she set up a laboratory where she creates her creams with their extraordinary fragrance.

Mihriban, on my suggestion, proposed to sell them at the emporium of the nearby village and, little by little, the request came from other stores in the surroundings and then from Istanbul.

At that point I had an idea, I talked to Mihriban about it and together we came up with a plan.

He proposed to her to sell them online, a friend of his in Izmir would take care of creating and managing an e-commerce site, she would send him the samples to be photographed and included in the online shop and Sanem could email him all the information about the composition and ownership of the individual products.

Actually I took care of everything, the web space, the branding, the photos, the set up of the site and the commercial management.

In a short time it had become a thriving business that gave Sanem the economic independence she needed.

On my indication Mihriban suggested her to contact a lawyer to register the patent of the creams so as not to have any kind of legal problem related to the production, fortunately she chose to turn to Metin and, with the help of my trusted friend, I made sure that the activity was properly guaranteed and followed also from the administrative/accounting point of view as well as the legal one.

I would have done anything to make her happy.

Mihriban found a girl from the neighboring village, Denise, who together with Bulut helped her with the production of the creams and the care of the plants in the greenhouse to ensure that she also had time to continue writing.

Every afternoon she would sit on the pier and write until sunset, lost in her memories and dreams, and within a short time her book was finished.

She was an exceptional woman, after all she had been through she had risen from the ashes like a phoenix and was giving the world so much beauty: first the creams and now her book that, I was sure, would be wonderful.

The time had come for Sanem to make some important decisions.

Did she want to publish it?

More importantly, did he want to publish it with Yigit?

I still didn't trust this man, he could have been the one to burn Sanem's diary and I couldn't understand why.

Of course if his purpose was to divide us he had clearly succeeded, but I couldn't and wouldn't intervene this time, Sanem was a grown woman who had to make her own decisions, I trusted her.

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