40 -Together

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I had dreamed a million times of what it would be like, I imagined it beautiful and intense, but I never believed it could be like this.
Making love for the first time with the woman you love turned out to be something exciting and shocking at the same time, it was a giving and a belonging of bodies and souls.

It was etched like a brand on my body and in my heart, I am now forever hers as I feel that she is now and forever mine.

It's a dreamy night our first night together, it's joy and unreality, it's tender love and unbridled, uninhibited passion. We've been apart for a long time, we've only just found each other again but our bodies instinctively recognize each other, they've belonged to each other since the first meeting and have always longed for each other for all this time.

We fall asleep exhausted at the first light of dawn, the waves cradle us gently while the silence of the sea isolates us from everything, we are out of time, there is only us and our love.

I have several surprises in store for her, I've had plenty of time to imagine how I would make her happy once she became mine.
All it takes is a few hours of restful sleep for us to be in each other's arms again, held in desperate embraces that say we can no longer exist without our other half, without the essence of our hearts.

Unforgettable days pass by, I take her to do in part the same itinerary I had followed while fleeing from her, I needed to exorcise that anguish and that pain, I needed to see her beautiful and sunny in those places where I had dreamed of her constantly.

Greek islands, then Albania, then Italy, the country that I have always loved so much and that I wanted to rediscover together, I wanted to rediscover it through her immense eyes wide open in front of the beauty of those coasts, those monuments, the cathedrals, the squares and the endless countryside.
Her genuine joy and her instinctive love for everything that surrounds her, from nature to the people she meets by chance, never ceases to amaze and delight me.
She is such a true, sincere, living creature that reflexively makes me feel better and happier to be there, to be beside her and to love and adore her as she deserves.

Let's touch some of the ports that I touched in that lonely journey and then go back to that island that I love so much, that has been my most trusted advisor, the island of Cyprus, I take her there, in that cove that was witness to my labor and finally to my newfound lucidity, to the realization that my heart wanted only Sanem.
Nothing and no one else could replace her, she was the one and only for me.

We've been gone for more than a month, we've been married for more than a month, we're happy, there's only us and the harmony we've found in our lives thanks to each other.

Almost every day Sanem has heard from her parents, begged them to give her time to heal without mentioning us and our marriage.
The time will come when we will have to face her family, the time will come to face reality.

For the moment we just want to continue to feed only and solely on love, there are important decisions and problems to face, but now my Sanem is back to the woman determined to reach her dreams that I met one day on a pier by the sea.
We read her book together, talked about what happened at the agency with Emre, about Aylin's intrigues, about my leave, about Fabri.
We confessed to each other the jealousies and disappointments we experienced, I realized how much I hurt her with my ambiguous behavior towards Polen and she explained why she gave her perfume to Fabri, she did it just for me, just to get me out of jail. Now I understand, that perfume is not her, it was just a ruse that allowed me to find her but we are something else, she is life, vitality and love.

We have decided to go back, back to Istanbul and to reality, we fear nothing and no one, we can face anything now, we are invincible, we love each other and we are together.

Only this matters.

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