7- True friendship

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I leave Emre's office as if in a trance, I can't force him to talk and I don't want to create problems between him and his wife.
A blind terror is starting to grow in me, how can I fix everything if they don't give me the chance to talk to Sanem?

What has happened to her?

Where is she?

I move but I don't even realize where I'm going, my legs decide for me independently, I find myself walking down the stairs and to the archive.
This has always been our favorite place in the agency, the only place where we could hide from the rest of the world to exchange a few furtive effusions away from prying eyes.

I sit down at the desk where I've seen her work so many times with her ever-present smile and her wonderful dimples in plain sight.
I drop my head in my hands, I'm starting to get scared.

What happened?

I have no idea how long I've been like this, lost in my thoughts that gradually seem to be becoming nightmares.

How can I fix this if no one tells me how to find Sanem?

I raise my head and realize that it must be evening by now, no light shines through the curtains on the windows and the agency is decidedly silent.
A furtive movement draws my attention towards the door, I catch a glimpse of a bottle green sneaker that can only belong to the eccentric Cey Cey.

I get up quickly and run towards the stairs where I manage to intercept him by standing in front of him.
His behavior has been strange since the first moment he saw me that morning, that's the typical attitude of a Cey Cey who has a secret.

Maybe his secret can help me get out of this nightmare situation, maybe he knows where Sanem is, that's why he's so agitated.

- You do know, don't you? You know where I can find Sanem -

He is agitated with never before, breathing heavily, jumping on the spot moving his arms unconsciously.

- Cey Cey.
Cey Cey please tell me, I need to talk to her. Lütfen, please -

He looks at me for a moment and, in an instant, as if by magic he seems to calm down.
A serious Cey Cey as I had never seen before climbs two steps to be at the same height as me.

- Can bay, Mr. Can,  I have always been a great supporter of your love story.
I discovered some time ago that I was the architect of your exceptional first meeting in the lodge, I have tried over time to bring you closer in every way because I immediately recognized true love between you.
I have spied your every loving glance, your every maneuver of approach, I have encouraged Sanem not to give up when you have pushed her away several times for her mistakes.

But this time, this time I can't justify your actions Can bay, if it was true love you wouldn't have left her, you  wouldn't have hurt her so much.
I'm sorry, I don't believe in you anymore, I don't believe in your love for Sanem.
I have to protect my friend right now, this is true friendship, don't ask me anything, I'm not willing to help you -.

With these words he turns his back on me and continues to walk up the stairs back to the agency.

I feel really bad, I almost can't breathe, I have everyone against me and I'm terrified at the thought of what could have happened to my Sanem.

What can I do now if no one is going to help me find her?

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