50 - Important decisions

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It was quite a heavy day, it seemed to never end, I had Ceyda around all the holy day, a series of endless meetings to start developing the idea of her company's campaign and that woman drove me crazy.
I tried to put as much physical space between me and her as possible but it was really exhausting trying to stay out of the range of her hands that, at every opportunity, would rest on my arm, on my hand, caressing my fingers.
Even the creative team noticed this and it was definitely embarrassing, I tried in every way to appear cold and distant, but damn she just didn't seem to get the message.
I don't want to be rude, but it was really stressful working in those conditions, luckily with today the bulk of the work is done and for some time we won't need to meet.

I leave the agency, where I feel like I haven't breathed all day, to get into my car and head for the estate, I can't wait to hug my wife, I need her warmth and energy to recharge my batteries physically and mentally.

Later my father is coming to sign the lease and move into the cottage by the sea not far from ours, I'm glad to have him around, I'm sure he'll fit in well there.
Once arrived I get out of the car and unload the purchases I made during the lunch break, I preferred not to eat in order to leave the agency, with the heavy air I have been breathing all morning, to go and buy some things thinking about the face my wife will make when she sees them.

I start carrying the first boxes and make sure that they haven't arrived yet, well I'll have time to set everything up.
In an hour everything is assembled and I'm ready to welcome Sanem and enjoy her reaction, smiling contentedly just as I see her coming up the driveway. She greets me from afar waving her hand happy to see me and then opens her eyes wide at the surprise I have prepared for her.

-Can? What have you done? Oh, it's beautiful! -

I knew she would love it, I picked up a beautiful rocking chair that I secured on the porch where we would sit embraced enjoying the cool of the night, a wicker table and chairs where I imagine sipping her wonderful tea for many years to come and then two rocking chairs where, who knows, one day we will rock our children.

She happily hugs me and takes me by the hand as excited as a little girl to take me to sit on the rocking chair and snuggle against my chest.

If this isn't heaven...-

She is happy and excited, she tells me about the idea she had, that she has already made arrangements to rent the place, that she has recruited some women from the neighborhood to whom she is happy to give a job opportunity and the economic independence that every woman should have.
She has already spoken to Denise and Aliye and they are excited about her idea and happy to help her make it happen, she is so excited!

What kind of woman did I marry? She is a volcano of ideas and enthusiasm and at the same time a concentrate of love and altruism, the gesture she wants to make in favor of the women of her old neighborhood is beautiful.

She proposes that we go together the next day to see the building when, for a moment, I see a veil of uncertainty and sadness cloud her gaze.
I understand what her problem is, she's afraid someone will see me and report it to her parents, my heart tightens at the thought of the ordeal she must be going through torn between love for me and love for her parents.
It's time for me to face this, we can't go on like this, I want to take this burden off her shoulders and mine.

I love her parents very much, I am ready to do anything to remedy this situation.

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