41 - Reality

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It seems unreal to be back in Istanbul, from the moment I set foot on the dock of the port I feel a sense of unreality, it seems strange to return to the everyday life that will never be the same.

Our honeymoon was a dream, a magical interlude in which we found each other and got to know each other again because we both changed in these months of separation, now we have to find our way together, but I am optimistic, if we hold hands nothing and no one will be able to scratch us.

We go back to the estate and visit a Mihriban who embraces us enthusiastically, extremely happy to see us and happy for us, she has been precious for our love, if it wasn't for her who knows if we would have been able to find each other again.

Can finishes picking up his things at the cabin to take them to the cottage where we will be living from now on while I go to see how far we are in processing the creams in the little workshop we have created behind my cottage. Mihriban has arranged for another girl from the village to help Denise and Bulut in my absence as the number of online orders we are receiving is growing exponentially, I can't believe it, I never thought they could like them so much.

While I'm dealing with the guys, Can enters the lab, greets Bulut and joins me putting his arm on my shoulders.

- Can, I never told you about my creams production-

I hear him coughing and I see a strange exchange of glances with Bulut.

- Honey, can you come with me for a moment please? - I nod in puzzlement and follow him out, he takes my hand and we walk towards the marina in the light of a beautiful sunset.

- We have never had the opportunity to talk about it since we got married. Well, let's just say that during the time I've been here at the cabin, I haven't exactly been doing nothing- He sits on the dock cross-legged and invites me to sit in front of him, holding both my hands.

- You know that friend from Mihriban, the one from Izmir, Umut you know? The one you've sent several emails to with information about the composition and properties of the creams, the one who looks after your online sales site? - I nod, frowning.

He offers me his hand in a greeting of introduction - Pleasure, I am Umut -.

I am amazed, I would have never thought of such a thing, this man always manages to amaze me, I tilt my head to the side while I see the pieces of the puzzle falling into place: the beautiful photos, the extremely professional imprint of the site I should have recognized his unmistakable mark in all this.
I see him fidgeting waiting for my reaction, how tender he is sometimes!

I bring my arms around his neck throwing myself towards him, we find ourselves lying on the planking tight in an embrace and a kiss that is love, tenderness and gratitude.

- Teşekkürler aşkım, thank you my love, you have secretly been the guardian angel who has been watching over me all this time, at night in my room and then here at the estate you have been my shadow and my greatest supporter.
You believed in me, you gave me trust and support, this is so important to me. The little girl handyman of the agency humiliated and despised for her humble origins by Huma, Polen, Ceyda is slowly finding her way. Today it's the creams tomorrow it will be my book, with you by my side I feel I can achieve anything -

Mentioning Huma gave my heart a squeeze, I still haven't told Can about what Huma and Yigit did.
I have to fix things my way first, then I'll tell him about it, I don't like keeping secrets from him but first I have to sever all ties with them, I have to do it alone, I don't want him involved, not after what he went through because of Yigit and how much he would suffer knowing about his mother's involvement.

We remain embraced watching the sunset as we did so many times on the boat, there are no words, there is no need, we just need to be together and listen to the rhythm of our hearts beating with the same love.

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