Chapter 24

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After talking with the master, the sky was almost completely black. I walk back to Shinobu-san's estate. When I had made it, back the trio and almost everybody was asleep. Tanjiro and Inoskue seem very worn out for some reason.

[Maybe I should ask in the morning.]

I lay down on my bed and let my eyes close.

[12......12 forms]


In the morning I was woken up by screaming. "Ah! No! I don't want it!" I rub the sleep out fro my eye and walk downstairs. When I get there, I see three almost identical girls giving the three medicine.

"Why are you screaming Zenitsu?"

He turns to look at me and then bursts into tears."(y/n)! You won't believe the horrible things I have to do! I have to drink this disgusting medicine!"

"You have to drink it if you want to go back to normal. Look, Tanjiro is able to take his medicine without complaining."

"His must me less disgusting! Please help me (Y/n)!"He grabs onto my waist since he was falling off when he was holding onto my legs.

"Come here, I have a trick to use."

I have him sit down at the table, and I take out a small box containing a sweet drink. Actually, there is nothing inside, and I cut out the back so that I can hide things inside. I go behind the wall and place his medicine inside of the box.

"Alright Zenitsu, we are going to play a game. We are going to see who can drink their drink fastest. I have water while you have that juice and then if you win you don't have to take the medicine."

"Alright let's do this!"

"Ready..... set.... go!"

He chugs down the medicine quickly, but before he can say that he won, I grab his chin and force his head up and pour my drink into his mouth. I never actually picked my cup up.

"Yay! Now you have taken your medicine, and it didn't taste as bad as you thought."

When Zenitsu faces me with a red face I become worried. "What is wrong? Why are you flushed?" I get closer to him and place my hand on his forehead.

"I-I-I am fine (y/n)!"

"Are you sure, you are quite red?"

"Yep, Zenitsu is just fine, he was just surprised from the trick you pulled on him (y/n)," said Tanjiro.

"Thank you for helping us (l/n)-sama."

I turn around and see the three girls from earlier bowing to me. Their face shape is similar, but they have different hairstyles and decoration colors.

"There is no need to thank me, and there is no need for the honorific, you can just call me (y/n)."

"Kocho-sama has told us that you were joining the corps, and even though you are starting from the lowest rank to show you respect," says the girl with red-colored decorations.

"Ehhhhhh!!! (y/n)-chan!! You joined the corps?!!!!" Zenitsu clings onto my waist while crying."Wahhhhh! Why would you join something so dangerous?!"

"Ano-", I get cut off my Zenitsu wailing louder. It was so loud that it made me flinch. I don't like loud noises and prefer the quiet, but I still try and deal with loud noises since there are people who are naturally loud and cannot help it." Zenitsu, calm down. I know what I am doing so stop crying."

I try and pry him off of me but he wraps his legs around mine and digs his face into my stomach. Tanjiro and Inouske help me by grabbing his legs and pulling them off. "Thank you for helping me." I give Tanjiro a pat on his head before giving one to Inosuke. When I do there, are mini flowers radiating off of him as well as a warm aura. " I am very happy to know that all of you are ok and are recovering."

"You still need to fight me," I hear Inouske whisper because of his throat.

"Sure, we can practice when you are fully healed and ready to get back to going on missions."

"Alright you three, you are going to start your rehabilitation training!"

"Is it ok if I join them?"

"Sure, it would help to strengthen you before you start going on missions."

We walk to another spacious room and has a table off to the side. They explain there are three stations and each girl will help them with their flexibility and reflexes. There is suddenly a dark aura around Zenitsu, and he starts screaming at Tanjiro and Inosuke. He drags them outside and starts to yell again.

" What are your names, I haven't been able to ask yet?"

"I am Naho Takeda," said the girl wearing the green accesories

"I am Sumi Nakahara," said the girl wearing the blue accesories

"I am Kiyo Terauchi," said the girl wearing the red accessories

"I am Aoi Kanzaki," said the girl with blue butterfly hair clips on both sides of her head.

"Nice to meet you (y/n)-sama," they said at the same time while bowing.

"It is nice to meet you all, but please drop the formalities. I am a new starting part of the demon slayer corps there is no reason for you to show me so much respect."

Suddenly the door opens and reveals a slightly paler Tanjiro and Inosuke with a glowing and smiley Zenitsu. First, they get stretched, then they have to do the medicinal tea test, and then they have to catch one of the girls. When they start Zenitsu is all laughs and giggles, he doesn't even seem fazed while Tanjiro and Inosuke were having a little bit of trouble with the exercises.

Zenitsu's actions seemed to fire up Tanjiro and Inouske to work harder. I joined in but found it somewhat easy. It was still a nice refresher of what I used to do as training or for fun. Also, my back has never felt this light, it might have scared them with how many times my joints popped but my body feels so light now.

In the end, Inouske and Zenitsu were able to complete the tests but weren't able to beat Kano at the tea station. And Tanjiro, he wasn't able to beat anyone today.

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