Chapter 65

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Guess who's sick again. This stupid person.😅 So like the updates are going to be permanently changed to once a week. Sorry somehow diseases decided to invade me and I don't have an immune system.  Hope those of you reading don't get sick.😁

"I suggest hiding those murderous gazes towards me."

"W-What are you talking about?" She stutters falsely.

"You look like you want to kill me. I can understand why, but at the same time it is a very unstable notion."

"Did that old man tell you?"

"In a way, yes, but not verbally seeing as that was against your agreement."

"damn." I hear her whisper quietly while biting her thumbnail.

I wave my hand towards her absently minded, "Don't worry. It was only me the information was given to. He has been silenced."

She looks up at me in shock before her face goes blank.

"So do you wanna tell me what you are going to do with Hibiki, or do we have to play the guessing game?"

"I'll tell you. My security has already been established. I was planning on using him. Not for his money or status, but as a sacrifice. After being forced into this position right now-"

"Don't lie. I can see your heart beating faster by the second. Besides, I already know everything you have done. From extortion to murder, you aren't even the age you say you are or look like are you, demon?"

"I may be a demon, but I'm not that much older."

"Sure, only what? 200 years too old."

"I'm only 178."

"Which brings me to the next question you have to answer. Why want this position, it will only get you killed?"

"Why would someone as great as me not get picked by the gods?! I hated that even when the extra sacrifices were chosen in secret, they never chose me. I am talented, beautiful, and smart. There was no reason to not choose me. Finally, after having to go through so many different hurdles, I was chosen. Only. Only to find out what it really means to be chosen."

"So you've come to hate me for being chosen?"


"And then decided it was a good choice to kill the person trying to get me out of harm's way which would have given you a chance at taking my place?"

"About that.....uh..."

"You better speak fast unless you want to be dead," I say coldly now glaring down at her.

"I thought that your brother was doing something else. It was an accident. I just mistook his actions."

"How do you mistake a teenager who is almost an adult that sneaks out in the middle of the night with a small bag and a child in hand? Then proceed to kill said teenager in front of the still conscious child and forget about the whole reason of you coming after us."

"As I said before, it was a mistake."

"You should control your emotions. Your hunger is starting to show."

"You are just lucky that I can't eat you," she snidely remarks.

"And you are lucky I don't kill you right now," I say appearing behind her with my blade to her neck slightly nicking it. "It would be a serious, terrifying, and gruesome death that I would bestow upon you."

"You crazy bitch" she seethed.

"I guess you could say you played an important part in making a crazy bitch. The same crazy bitch that will kill you."

The second I disappear from the area she drops down to her knees and the large parasol rolls along the ground. The still lit match drops in front of her face before it is snuffed out by the wind and its ashes taken to the sky.


I lift my arm up as I hear a familiar screech and look over when I feel the added weight. I pet the top of the hawk's head as it caws and stretches its wings. It eagerly presses into the palm of my hand.

"It seems you have done well. Thank you, and now for your treat."

**One piece of meat given to a hawk **

He eagerly eats it before laying on my arm. [Thank you kami-same that wasn't raw.] I take the slip of paper off of his leg and store it to read later as I enter the grounds of the village. As I exit the mouth of an alleyway, someone bumps into me, only to send themselves backward. I look down at the boy close to the same age as me, and touch the mask to make sure it is still on.

"Are you alright?"

"Yea, I'm good. Sorry about that," he says bashfully.

"Do not worry, you seem to be the only one that had a chance at getting injured."

Someone in the distance calls his name and he takes off running, but not before saying another apology and goodbye. As I continue walking in my direction, I stop when I feel something underneath my foot. A small waistband jade decor, no doubt dropped by the boy wearing expensive clothing. I look back in the direction he ran off in and find him long gone. Deciding it would be best to not be stolen I pick it up and wrap it in a cloth.

[I didn't notice till now, but maybe I should buy a pair of shoes instead of wearing bandages.]


I hear the voice of Hibiki coming from behind me and I turn around only to see him flinch at the sight of the hawk perched along my arm.

"He's back?"

"So it seems. What brings you here today?"

"I was looking for you. I wanted to ask you something."

"It seems we are both in luck. I was just about to look for you. I have something for you."


I fix up the room slightly as we both enter before sitting in front of the table, opposite him.

"I have a letter, but you are not to open it till the time is right. You must promise."

"I promise on my family name, but how will I know when is the right time?"

"It will be very apparent when the time comes, but if opened early it will cause a catastrophic event. When the time comes where everything is wrong, like the world is about to end, then should be the time that you open the letter."

"Alright, I Hibiki Takihiko will accept your terms on the opening of this letter."

"Accepted. Thank you." I slide the letters across the table and wait for him to put them away."Now, what is it that you need to ask of me?"

"How are preparations going?"

"Quiet well, almost finished. All that is needed are a few abstract materials I need you to get. Are you completely certain of the events you want to transpire?"

"I am certain. Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"It was only a mere coincidence that we met that day. You helped me and so I will give back. Take good care of yourself and have a goodnight Hibiki."

"You too (y/n) -chan!"

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