Chapter 48

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"What a surprise to see you here (y/n)-chan."

Before I could do anything my face was smashed into the ground and the sword I was about to throw was strewn somewhere in the alleyway. I can feel sharp nails digging into my neck drawing a slightly large amount of blood. As I see more and more blood starting to pool around my head, I start to struggle more as I try and get them off my back. I changed the way I was holding my sword, and I tried to plunge it into their side.

"What a cute little struggle you put up here. It almost wants to make me absorb you right now!"

"I'd rather burn in the seventh circle of hell." Breath of Galaxies: Nebulas Collapse.

The body of the demon was slightly thrown off of me, and I took the chance to get out from under them. Once I wasn't under them anymore I scrambled to my feet while grabbing my sword that was strewn on the ground.

"Of course you would be here Douma. What is your agenda this time?"

"Well, it's the same as last time (y/n)-chan."

I feel the presence of another demon behind me, and I use the nearby walls to jump into the air. I see a demon with six eyes and a scar that looks similar to Tanjiro's.

Blood Demon Art: Wintry Icicles

Multiple spear-like icicles start to form above me and try to impale me. I try my best to flip and bend around them but the poison and blood loss are starting to set in. I end up grabbing onto one of the icicles and using the momentum to make my own attack.

Breath of stars: Scorpio

I aim the attack towards the weirdly familiar demon. The tip of my sword and the flat side of his meet with a loud clang. I give up the futile attempt to overpower him, flip behind him, and watch how he handles the icicle.

[His sword looks like the nichirin blade that the demon slayer corps uses. It's almost like a copy, but it has to be made out of something very strange to end up looking like that.]


Narrative POV

After Hinatsuru used the poisoned kunai against the demon in hopes that they would paralyze him so that Uzui and Tanjiro could attack. Daki's sashes came back into the fight as Uzui finds his wife behind held by Gyutaro. Tanjiro uses a combination of water breathing and the dance of the fire god, which in turn cuts off one of Gyutaro's arms and it lands in front of Hinatsuru's face. When Gyutaro charges toward Tanjiro, Uzui takes the initiative and attacks from behind. Zenitsu and Inosuke, who were taking care of the sashes that were farther away from where you were fighting are now faced with Daki who got stronger after the third eye on her face opened.

"Inosuke calm down! We'll continue to press on and attack even if those guys cut off his head first!"

"You- You look kinda cool man! What happened?!"Inosuke said looking at Zenitsu who is somehow sleeping while being conscious to fight and speak.

Gyutaro stopped Tnajiro and Uzui's attempt at slicing off his neck with his hands. He kept a tight grip on both of the swords and when Uzui tried to use his other sword Gyutaro used his teeth and bit the tip of his sword. He uses and demon blood art and takes Uzui to the ground while Hinatauru moves Tanjiro before he is attacked by Daki's sash.

"Inosuke! Zenitsu!"

"We're being forced to change our plans! We can't get to maggot girl at all now that she showed up! The three of us have to leave mantis demon to the old guy!"Inosuke shouted.

"Let's get the girl first. She is weaker than the sickle demon. Can you move Tanjiro?"Zenitsu asks.

"I can! We have to settle this quick, Uzui-san got poisoned so he is in danger!"

As Tanjiro fends off the sash currently surrounding him, he gets a surprise attack from the demon fighting Uzui. In the midst of fending off the sash, they created a plan to cut the demon's head off. The demon found it strange that the boar-headed slayer was running towards her with reckless abandon and took the initiative to attack in hopes of ending the battle.

Breath of Water: Beating tide

Breath of Lightening: Thunderclap-flash eightfold

Zenitsu and Tanjiro fend off the sashes so that Inosuke has enough space to run through and get close enough to the demon. Inosuke just barely fits through the gap in fabric and has both of his swords at the neck of the demon.

"We're settling this now! Sixth Fang!"

With one last push of strength, his blades closed upon her neck and the demon's head was severed from their neck once more. Once the head was no longer attached Inosuke jumped up and grabbed it before running away from the demon's body.

[Now to take it far away so they can't put it back on] He thought.

It was a small lasting happiness that the three young demon slayers shared. It was ethereal to see that they were able to cut the demons head off and their adrenalin slowed slightly as they watched Inosuke running away with the demon's head. A small rest before having to think about the situation again and continue to fight, but this time they could have a little bit of the weight off of their shoulders.

Well, it was before Inosuke had a sickle plunged through his chest from behind. He crumpled to the ground releasing the female demon's head as blood started to leave the wound. The confusion coming from Zenitsu and Tanjiro was evident as they quickly look down to where their light was supposed to be. The light that would be able to get them out of this dark fight, that they only had a small chance at surviving. Their hope was crushed when they saw him on the ground, in the rubble, and his left forearm severed.

The outcome of the battle was starting to look bleak. One of the major fighters was now dismembered and their friend was bleeding out from his chest. It brings the question to mind that the two wouldn't have wanted to cross their mind. What happened to their other light, the one that was with them for a long time?

[Where was (y/n)?]

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