Chapter 33

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I look at the body that is still motionless.

"Get up you demon, I don't have all night to wait for you to stop this act. If this were a real human body, there would have been blood pooling out of his head, yet there is none."

The previously presumed dead body suddenly starts cackling. "I can't believe that you knew I was a fake. Ugh, I was willing to kill you painlessly, but you just had to go and mess up my plan."He starts to rise up from the ground as well as changing into his original form.

"Well I don't plan of dying, so I guess you are."

Breath of Stars: Cancer

I dash forwards and slice one of his eyes and then I manage to cut off three of his fingers. I turn to face him as his new fingers shoot out of the holes. I dodge the fist coming towards my abdomen and kick his head. I am able to make a deep slash along his back as I move away from him.

Blood demon art: Freeze frame

Six blue rectangles appear in the air and come at me. I dodge the first rectangle by sidestepping it. I jump over the next one coming my way. I try to cut the next one, but my dagger seems to faze through the rectangle. I jump back, but the rectangle was able to touch my foot. It was like my foot was stuck mid-air, and I could not move it. Only a few seconds later did I finally get feeling back and I started to fall, but I saw a blue light. The next thing I know one of my ribs broke and I was flung into a wall.


I wince when I felt the tight uniform move against my ribs. I wipe the blood that came out of my mouth. Breath of Stars: Aquarius. I bend my knees and jump forwards at a fast pace. As my dagger is moved through the air, it looks as if it had ripped through an illusion and spilled water, but it was dark black with white shimmers and multicolored galaxies. Through a series of pivots and turning, my body, the water surrounds the demon. I run up the side of the building and backflip off when I reach the ledge of the building.

Breath of Stars: Scorpio

I position my dagger in front of my body as I fall towards the demon that is still surrounded by the unusual water. Through the small opening of the water, I appeared and dug my dagger into the neck of the demon. It got stuck after going in halfway. Just as I was getting close to the end of his neck, the water dissipated and he was able to throw me off. I rolled across the ground and got up. I had scraped my knee against one of the rocks on the ground, and blood was coming out of the wound. I feel a searing pain in my hand and look down. My index finger is broken and my other hand that was holding the dagger was cut by the claws of the demons and was pouring blood. I take out a cloth from my pocket and wrap it around my hand. I hiss at how tightly I have to wrap it, but I try and ignore the pain.

sniff**sniff "What is that smell?"


"Heh, is that your blood human? I see why master wants you now."


"Don't ignore me, weakling! Get over here so I can get stronger!


Breath of Stars: Gemini

I sprint towards the demon before disappearing out of his sight. He looks around, but cannot find where I am hiding. I look at my clone that is mimicking my movements against the wall of the other house. We both push off the wall and towards the demon.

Breath of Stars: Scorpio

We slice off both of his arms and skid around his body and face back to back without daggers by our sides. I take in a deep breath as my vision starts to get hazy.

Breath of stars: Shooting Stars

We both quickly bring our arms back before disappearing and reappearing in front of the demon.

"W-What?! How?!"

Blurs of my clone and I appear around him as we attack different parts of his body. We cut off a leg, an arm, and damaged the others as well as destroy one of his eyes. We both move in sync, consecutively making attacks.

[His regeneration finally slowed. Time for the neck.]

Breath of Stars: Libra

My clone from the back and me from the front sliced opposite edges of the neck of the demon. In one slice both of our blades entered and sliced completely through his neck. My clone disappears, and I turn to look at the demon whose head fell to the ground.

"Argh! Because of you, I can't get any on masters blood! I spent time groveling on the ground just to get you and kill you for myself! I'm already a lower moon. I just needed that little bit of blood. The rest of my competition was wiped out! Just drop dead already!" (we are gonna pretend that he spared another one)

"No thanks. Goodbye."

His body starts to disintegrate along with the blood that splattered onto my clothes.

"You know you can come out already Goymei-san."

A figure came from the shadows and landed in front of me.

"I see that you have defeated a lower moon. That means that you will become a hashira soon."

"Hm, don't remind me. I was hoping you didn't hear that part."

"I don't think I would miss a demon basically screaming out that he was a lower moon. Let me help you with your hand."

Before I could reject his offer he had already grabbed my hand and taken off the cloth. I wince a little when pours water over the wound and then some antiseptic. Somehow he pulls out a roll of bandages and wraps my hand.

[His hands are really big.]

"Thank you for helping me Gyo-kun, but you got your clothes dirty."

"There is no need to worry about that (l/n) -san."

"There is a worry. We need to leave now. Hurry, we need to leave before and demons show up."

I grab his wrist and start pulling him along with me.

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