Chapter 34

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After running for a long time, we finally reached his house in the mountains.


He silently complied with my statement and handed me his bloodied haori. I quickly walk outside and towards the well. I was both of our haoris and let them hang to dry.

"Do you like the scent of wisteria, and did you get my blood anywhere else?"

"I am fine with the scent, but what is the rush with blood? Even if you are a marechi the demons wouldn't be able to smell your blood from this far."

"I will tell you the reason in a minute."

I disappear from the entryway and spray our haoris with a wisteria perfume that I made. I let them rest there since they are damp and walk back to Goymei's house.

"Here, it is cold."

"Thank you."

I take the haori that he offers me and put it on. It ends up being a bit large, but I like it. Well, better than showing so much skin. I flop my arms around trying to get the sleeves of his haori to go down so that I could use my arms.

[She looks cute.}A certain very tall male thought. The only other male there.

When I finally got the sleeves down, I made Goymei sit down and said that I would cook both of us food. Reluctantly he said yes and I went to his kitchen to see what ingredients were there. I made sure that my wounds were fully covered and that I was not bleeding out. It took a long time for me to figure out how to make myself stop bleeding whenever I got wounded. A lot of antiseptic and high pain tolerance as well as bandages and cloths. I just made a simple cooked fish and rice with vegetables. We ate the food, and I started talking about the reason why I was in such a rush last night. He was very understanding about my situation, but I decided to tell him a secret.

"Besides the fact that my blood does bring a lot more demons, more than a marechi I have made some wisteria poisons, so if I do end up being eaten the demon will also die. Sadly I cannot do anything about the smell, so I will continue to attract demons sometimes even without bleeding."

"Namu Amida Butsu. Now that you are a part of the demon slayers, you don't have to worry about protecting yourself as you sleep."

"Thanks, but I actually found a way to get comfortable sleeping on rocks, somehow. I don't really know how, though."


My head snapped to the side so fast Goymei thought I had killed myself. He looks over to where I did and senses a cat standing outside his doorway.

"It's a cat, do you like them?"

"Yes, they are fine creatures. Namu Amida Butsu,"

We ended up playing with the cat all day. It was fun getting to know each other, though it was a bit awkward when my mind went wandering to last night when I stabbed the imposter.

[At least it wasn't the real him that I stabbed.]

I had left in the morning and went to the Butterfly Estate to see if (c/n) was there. I was hoping that she would have come to Gyomei's estate, but she never came. She just disappeared after the incident and I was hoping to intercept the message before it was brought to the Master. When I was close to the entrance of the Butterfly estate I saw Tanjiro calling out to someone and Inosuke behind him at the gate.


"Haganezuka, over here!"

I see the figure in the distance giving his hat and items to the person walking with him and start charging towards Tanjiro. Tanjiro suddenly freezes, and I see a knife in Haganezuka's hands. Tanjiro just barely dodges the knife and Haganezuka leaves a trail of dust as he skids past Tanjiro.

[Are we sure he is just a swordsmith?]

"HoW DarE YOu SnAP mY sWOrd in HaLf?! YOu HavE GOt a LoT Of NErvE!" He snapped angrily.

[He sounds very unhappy. Don't die Tanjiro, I still have yet to teach you.]

"I-I'm sorry! B-Bu-T TO BE HONEST, I was about to die! My opponent was really strong!"Tanjiro starts sweating as he tries to reason with Haganezuka.

Haganezuka starts harshly poking Tanjiro's cheek saying,"Not true! That has nothing to do with it! You're the one to blame! It's all your fault! You're pitifully weak! That is why it broke! Otherwise, my sword would never snap like that!"The pace that his finger goes poking Tanjiro's cheek goes increasingly faster with each sentence.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"Ara~Ara~, good to see you (y/n) -chan."

"Nice to see you too Shino-chan."

She hugs me and says," Ara~ such a cute nickname (y/n) -chan."When she calms down, she notices that my hand is bandaged."Are you alright?"

"Yes, It was just injured on my last mission. Would you mind rewrapping it for me? For some reason, I can't do it well today."

"Sure thing!"

She takes my hand and starts to rewrap the bandage that was loosely handing around my hand. As she does that we both heard a loud sound and saw Haganezuka chasing Tanjiro around with a knife still.

"Is that a new training regimen?"

Aoi, who just walked up to us, says," I don't think so."

We say hello to each other before walking back inside so that the swordsmiths can give the slayers their swords.

I sit in the corner of the room to make sure that Tanjiro doesn't end up dying because of Haganezuka.

[Maybe I should revisit that swordsmith for a new sword?]

The other swordsmith who introduced himself as Kanamori tells us that he forges Inosuke's swords. He is calmer and more collected than Haganezuka. He also seems very soft-spoken. He goes on to say that they are a beautiful color of a dull sheen indigo-grey.

[I think they look more like when you jump into the ocean right as the sunlight hits the top of the water. When you open your eyes underwater and look up at the beautiful blue water that supports many lives. The light hits it just right. It was beautiful until the salt starts to burn your eyes.]

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