Chapter 58

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I watch the layout of the area from atop the roof of one of the buildings. I keep the piece of long wood next to me as a makeshift cane to put less pressure on the broken bone. I washed the clothes and rechanged the bandages, so they wouldn't be able to smell the antiseptic coming from me. It has been around two days since the fight with Akaza.

[I hope it is only two days. A lot of things are fuzzy.]

I have been watching from up here since yesterday. The place where they meet. Not all upper moons, but always this room. The one next to the demon holding a biwa. She controls this entire place with it and can move everything anytime at will. I can faintly hear the conversations, mostly due to the rather loud idiot with fans. They took the bait that I left lying around the library when I stumbled there by accident. Muzan leaves first, then after the idiot, and then Akaza.

[All that is left is the biwa demon and upper moon 1]

I look down at my hand as I try and move it. It twitches slightly as I only have full functionality in two fingers. My other shoulder won't fully rotate without dislocating.

[I guess it would be best for a swift movement.]

Once the biwa is strummed and the portal is open for him to go through. I jump off the roof and slice through the biwa demon's hands. I remove the dismembered limbs and maneuver the instrument behind my back as I move away from a sword.

[Ew, I forgot about the eyes. A lot of things have been eye-related, weird.]

Breath of stars: Gemini, Breath of Galaxies: Merging Galaxies

Breath of the Moon: Dark Moon, Evening Palace

From seeing the attack style before I quickly run and dodge the incoming crescent slashes. They crash into the wall behind me almost completely decimating it.

"At one point either before becoming a demon or after, you became a swordsman. Don't you remember what it means to be a swordsman?"

"Those things mean nothing to me now. I am a demon, and I serve my master."

Our swords clash against each other, trying to push the other back.

"You say that, yet you still keep the mannerisms. Even as a demon you protect. Although not the ideal person, but still a person."

I am forced back before I could say more as two blades extend from the main and slice across my face.

"If you don't stop this incessant nagging and give yourself up, I will not hesitate to injure you."

"Ganbare Ganbare Ko-ku-chan."

Breath of the Moon; Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant

I leave a clone in my place as a run and dodge through the excess slashes. The clone holds the demon's biwa in front leaving it to get destroyed as I jump through the closing portal.

"Smart human." I point to myself. "Dumb demon" I point to his back before he turns around.

"I am not a dumb demon." He slashes towards my legs as I leave a clone and slightly hobble towards the edge of the cliff.

"Really? Then why am I escaping?"

Just as the cliff breaks and I go plummeting down to the faraway ground, the portal is closed and severs a certain demon's forearm leaving it limp on the jagged edge of the cliff. The sunrise just starts to peak out of the horizon in the distance and the severed limb burns into ashes before being swept away by the wind.

[If I am correct, next to the waterfall and pond there was an immense amount of shrubbery.]

I flip my body, so I have my stomach facing the ground and I extend my limbs as far as they can without injuring them further. I hold my breath and concentrate imagining how to mimic Shino-san's flying technique.

[Aim for the tree and don't lose any limbs. Don't die, that's a start and don't hit the water.]

It hit the leaves at the top of the tree, then some branches slowing down the force, but breaking a few more ribs. Any time I grab onto a branch it breaks. I hit the last bush and splat onto the ground. My forgotten stick lands next to me, luckily not on me because it impaled the ground.

[I can't feel my leg. This is bad.]

I grab the stick and bite it as I pop my dislocated shoulder back into place. Once I have two somewhat functioning arms I pull myself across the ground towards the water. Once I reach the pool that connects to a river, I pull myself into the water and let myself float there. After some rest, I swim over to the waterfall and make a refuge behind in the small cave hidden behind.


I have a fire going, some clothes are drying, I have a few random berries and mushrooms that I crawled around for. I found that I was stabbed by many things on my way down, and that is what I spent most of my day on. The feeling hasn't returned to my leg, and the other is not completely broken. A small pool of blood formed under me as there wasn't much I could do without my legs. Just as I am about to slip into unconsciousness, I hear someone coming closer.

[They don't feel like a demon.]

As they enter the cave yelling like a maniac who just saw a murder I open one eye and look at them. My eye widens when I see that they have (h/c) hair with (e/c) eyes. Around maybe 11-12 years old. I see the boy's eyes widen as well.

"I'm just like you!" He shouts.

[You're just like me.]

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