Chapter 66

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I look over to the hawk sleeping in the corner of the room and slowly rise from the floor. In doing so one of the ropes snap and I find myself falling back onto the mirror.

*crash * crunch* (Is that the correct onomatopoeia, cause I feel there was another.)

The mirror cracks and shatters into tiny pieces. I save myself from further injury I end up in a tilted wall sit.

[Awe, how sad. It looks like a replacement is needed.]

Once I figure out a way to sit back down normally without hurting my broken bones anymore, the hawk is awake again. They caw quietly and nudge my unoccupied hand with their head.

"I am quite alright, do not worry."

I carefully pick up the pieces with a piece of cloth and place them in a basket out of eyesight. Once that mess was cleaned up I quickly tend to the small wounds on the hawk's wings.

*screee * *screee *

I look down at them rolling around on the floor, looking at me as if I am withholding something. I look at them questioningly.

"What? I gave you food, not even an hour ago."

They spread their wings and fly over to a paper and step on it like trying to press on a sticky key. I go over to the table and look at what they are stomping on. I look at my name confused for a second before it clicks.

"You wish for a name? Have you not already received one?"

*screee * They shake their head side to side wearily.

*sigh *" Well then, you will be (h/n)=(hawk name)

(-lol, as you can tell I'm not good with names)

(h/n) seems to like the name and goes back to sleep. *screee * I stay up the rest of the night making preparations. The translations are complete and notes have been documented. Hibiki had dragged me around the village day after day to explore.

[I never did find that man, did I?]

I reach into my pocket and make sure that I haven't lost his item. I take out the piece of cloth next to the trinket. I look at the last sheds of my uniform in fondness before I place it in the fire and watch it burn along with the note.

[Thank you for your understanding, and I am sorry to have to leave on terms like this.]

I take the leftover ashes and walk over to the window. I wait for the wind to pick up again and blow on the ashes and let them get taken by the wind.

[This reminds me of that old saying. Hm, what was it again?]

While trying to remember the saying I grab a piece of rope and start to fix the leg contraption. I pop the lid off of the container and drink its contents before laying down once more and going to sleep.


The annoying sound of birds that normally brings comfort takes me from my slumber. I carefully stretch out while trying to make sure none of my bones more out of place again. Such an undesirable day having to move things back into place. I slowly start the routine for the day and start to get ready. Once I am outside and walking along the pathway I look at the scenery. Over to the side is clear grasslands with tall grasses, around the corner there is a mountain. The sound of (?) chimes flowing in the wind along with the leaves in trees. The bright sun rising in the sky, the chilly air doing a good job of not letting the air swelter.

*smack *

Someone runs straight into me and sends us both reeling back. [Why?]

"Excuse me miss, are you alright?"

I reach and touch the mask under the disguise of removing dirt. I look up at the person who collided into me.

"I'm fine. Are you alright?"

"Yep, I'm perfectly fine." He flexes his arm and pats his bicep with a smile on his face.


"Aren't you that kid who ran into me before?"

"Ah, you remember that?" He slightly falters before rubbing the back of his head with one hand.

"Yes. You left something, and I was hoping to return it to you rather than leave it to be stolen."

"Oh, my kami-sama! Thank you so much! I didn't even notice till after I had gone back home that it was missing. I am so happy that it isn't lost it is a family heirloom."

"Things like these are precious sentimentally and financially. Please take care of such things." I reach into my pocket and hand him the jade waistband decor.

"Again, thank you so much. What can I do to repay you?"

"I have no such need for frivolous things. Just go home."

"Oh! I know, why don't you come and have dinner with my family?"

"No thank you. I have no need for such things."

"Please." He says with puppy dog eyes.

"No." I turn to walk away when I feel a firm grip around my wrist. Before I can turn around or speak I am dragged and flipping around in the air as I am being taken.

[Is this what a kidnapping feels like?}

As we approach the house of the stranger, a thought comes to mind.

[Now I remember the saying. Family is always first. I guess they will be the start of the end.] I smile lazily while looking up at the moon and walking slowly back to the (inn). [How lonely it is.]


To address that comment about Inosuke not being shown/given representation much don't worry. I promise he is coming up along with a few other people. I was planning on doing it before this part of the story but since I got sick I moved it to after this. Also, I mean no offense to the person who made the comment, I just forgot to save it so I could give you a direct response:)

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