Chapter 2

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It has been a few years since (Y/n) started traveling to find work. When she first left, she had stopped by a village and learned how to play various instruments. She plays Shakuhachi, Biwa, Koto, and others if needed. Now she travels and plays anywhere that is needing music. She is now 6 years old. In her travels, she has seen some demon slayers working and watched some cultivators teaching their students. She has also learned that she has no presence, so no one will be able to find her unless looking right at her. She has copied some of the cultivator's training regiments and mixed them together to make her own. She also learned how to use total concentration breathing. As she was walking to her next stop, she encountered some demons that she killed using the wisteria coated blade. She had learned that there are different styles of breaths. She didn't want to be caught, so she started developing her own style of breathing. The breath of Stars and the breath of Galaxies.

As she nears the village she villagers look at her and gasp at her cuteness. They all turn to look at the cute little girl with (h/c) hair with some gold and white highlights carrying an instrumental box on her back. As she walks gracefully into the town with a small smile painted onto her lips she goes over to a fruit cart and asks the man how much an apple will cost. He looks at her suspiciously and asks if she actually has money.

"You look a bit young to be traveling, do you even have money to pay?"

"Yes." I take out a bag of coins and show it to him.

He seems surprised that I have a large amount of money and says 3 coins. I pay and leave to see if there is any work in this town. After a little bit of searching, I was able to find a place that wanted someone to play. They asked if I played the koto and I replied that I did. They were grateful that I could pay and said that I would get any tips and some of the money from the people who come in because of the music.


I set down the box on my back and open it to reveal a koto that I made myself. It was a light brown wood decorated with music notes around the edges. It was a beauty on its own. They ask me to play in a few minutes, so I start to warm up my hands. When they give me the signal, I start the music. (Play music above).

The people passing by the restaurant hear the music and flock to where the beautiful melody is being played. To say the least, they were surprised, a seven-year-old girl was playing this beautiful melody. One that made you feel like you was in a trance-like state, one that would put you at ease. Customer after customer came in just to listen to your music and eat.

I could sense that there were a few demons around the area when I was playing. They were heading this way, but I didn't want the people to worry so I kept playing. One that made you feel like you were in a trance-like state, one that would put you at ease. It was almost night. Surprisingly the demons that came to the village actually came inside the restaurant wearing cloaks and sat in the darkest corner of the shop. They seem strong, but not a strong as me. I keep playing, letting the rest of the customers at peace.


After finishing the piece, the people clapped for me and left because the shop was closing. I know that I have marechi blood so I lightly cut one of my fingers on a string and play it off as carelessness.

"Ahh, excuse me miss, do you have a bandage?"

She turns around and says yes, and goes to retrieve it. I can see that the demons are drooling a bit so I know that there was enough blood scent. The lady gives it to me and I say"thank you." She also gives me the money that I earned and says that I did a very good job".

"Thank you very much. If I come back to this village, it would be an honor to play here again."

She nods and leaves. I pack up everything and head out of the restaurant. After leaving the village and making sure there is a safe enough distance from there. I call out to the demons following me.

"Ara~, you can come out now. I know you are following me. I turn around waiting for them to show themselves."

"Little girl, you have very special blood. Come over here so I can eat you."

The two demons come out one with a kanji on his eye and another normal one. As they make their way towards me, I am just standing there with a small smile on my face. I take out my sword and hold it at my side. They look at each other confused.

"That blade won't hurt us. Now die!" They charge at me not caring that I was saying something.

"Oh really, I believe that it has killed some of your brethren before."

As they charge at me, I swing my sword faster than any normal person could see. After they try to attack me, I flip over them and turn to face them. I put my sword back into its scabbard. One of them is about to ask me why I put my sword away but as he was about to open his mouth his head falls off while his companion dies.

He is finally able to say, "HOW?! HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO DO THAT? YOU DIDN'T EVEN MOVE!"

I just cut off his head. "How are you alive, and why does your eye have a number on it?"


He grabs his head and puts it on his body. He charges at me again, so I take out my wakizashi and slice him multiple times. I have coated my wakizashi with a paralyzing agent, so I can just paralyze people because I don't wish to kill others. He is now in front of me not moving.

"You, why can't I move?"

"Paralysis. I want to try something, since you are so strong this might not hurt or it may hurt a lot. I do not know what will be the outcome of this."

I reach into my pocket in my sleeve and take out a syringe with a purple liquid in it. I grab his arm and inject the poison into his arm and wait to see the results.

"What did you inject me with?"

"Wisteria. "Came my short reply.

After a few minutes of waiting, he started to feel immense pain but did not die. I paralyze him again and drag him with me. After dragging him as I was running I toss him somewhere in the middle of nowhere and leave. It seems that I need to make a better toxin. I start heading to the next village over because they are known for making beautiful clothes. I put my weights back on and eat an onigiri.

Timeskip and location change to:???

"Master! There is very important information. Muzan turns to his Lower Moon 2 waiting for his news."

There was a young girl who wasn't a demon slayer but was able to kill demons with ease. She doesn't even have a nichirin blade with her. She was able to make a wisteria poison that would surely be able to kill any normal demon.

"Did she have (h/c) hair with white and gold highlights and one (e/c) eye showing?"

"Yes! That was the girl."

"If you ever see her, again bring her here. I have been trying to get her for a while."

In another location???

"Ahh, what news have you brought me this time?" A short black-haired man said to his crow.


Sorry if there isn't italics for inner thoughts.

Happy New Year!!

Also a quick thanks to the people who read this book.

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