Chapter 11

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[]= inner thoughts
I wake up to the sunlight hitting my eyes. I shuffle to the side trying to grasp sleep again. After a few minutes of not being able to sleep, I sit up and look around the room. I pick up my things and put them away. I put my short sword in my obi and my longer one on the side of my leg. I walk out of the room to go outside and search the area more. I walk around the mountain and look at the animals. It feels so peaceful here. Without thinking I unconsciously start to hum a song gradually getting louder. I decided to train for a little bit and go down the mountain with traps while dancing and singing. I twist and turn my body dodging the logs, knives, and pitfalls. I end up saving a few birds from getting hit and they tweet a thank you. I sit down on a rock and take out my sword. I gaze over every detail on there to see if I need to get it serviced. A few chips here and there.

[I do need a new sword.]

"You can come out not Urokodaki and Tanjiro."

"Waa! How did you know I was there? You even knew that Urokodaki was there (Y/n)."

"The perks of traveling. You pick up a few things here and there when you travel around a lot."

"How long have you been traveling?"

"Quite some time."

"That is not an answer."

"Then you have to get back from the final selection and get the exact answer."

"No fair! You never give exact answers, they are always in a riddle."

Heh, I let out a small laugh from his face. [What was that feeling? It felt nice.]

"Ha, I finally smelt some emotion from you! [Her laugh was cute.] Is that your sword?"

"Yes, I need to get a new one though. This one has lasted me a long time. Wanna see how heavy I made my sword?"

Mhm, he shakes his head up and down very quickly. [He looks like a little kid getting candy.]

"Wait (Y/n), is this like your box?" Urokodaki finally steps in hoping to stop you from hurting his student.

"Ohh, yea, but it isn't nearly as heavy as my box. Look."

I release my sword letting it fall to the ground. As it touches the ground dust goes everywhere and makes a dent in the ground.

"Whaa!" Tanjiro's eyes look like they were about to fall out of their sockets.

"What, it is pretty light?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

[Cute! ]"That would have killed me! How do you carry that around?"

"Habit maybe? To me this is light. "

"You are too strong (Y/n)."

"Thank you, shouldn't you be on your way to the mountain? You might be late if you don't leave now."

"Ahh, right. I need to get my things and change. Thanks for reminding me (Y/n)."

I watch as he runs back towards the house." I forgot how much of a difference there was in how things weigh for me. Thank you for reminding me Urokodaki."

"No problem, I just didn't want a student to go to the final selection injured."

"Hn. Would it be ok for me to walk with him on his way there?"

"I don't think there are any rules against it."

We both walk to the house and see Tanjiro in my gift haori and mask. Urokodaki gives him a few words of encouragement before we both leave. I hand him a handkerchief before I walk up to Tanjiro.

[Good luck Tanjiro, I hope you can survive.]-Urokodaki

As we walk we talk about what has happened these 2 years. I can see how much he has changed over the years. He went from a weak boy with spirit to a trained swordsman. Whenever I am with Tanjiro I start to feel emotions, but I don't know why. It had been so long since I have actually felt anything besides adrenalin.

Once we see the wisteria flowers Tanjiro goes and admires them. We continue walking up the stairs. When we reach the top and see the people I turn to Tanjiro and pat him on the back.

"This is where we must part, don't you dare die here."

"I promise that I won't, I need to find a cure for Nezuko and I want to know more about you. When I come back I am going to ask you to travel with me. I will be waiting for your answer."

I let out an unexpected chuckle. I pat his head before turning around and leaving.

"Good luck Tanjiro, don't let us down."

As I walk away a certain girl with a butterfly hairclip and cape gazes over my body trying to remember why I look similar to something.


When I arrive at the house Urokodaki was already asleep so I quickly walk to the room and go to sleep.


I am woken up to something solid right next to me. As a few very small beams of light shine on my face, I wake up and turn to look at what is beside me. When I see that it is Nezuko I quickly pull a blanket over us so that the sun doesn't reach her. I pat her head so she wakes up. When she opens her eyes he hugs me tightly. I hug her back and we stay like that for a couple of minutes. I take her to the darkest side of the room. The only reason that there is a little bit of light is that where I sleep there is a small gap in the wood letting a few rays of light. She points to the elastics and then to herself. I nod and she nods her head up and down. She unties her elastics and I help her put the new ones on. After she admires them for a little bit she pats my head and hugs me again.


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