Chapter 10

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After receiving the gifts for the Kamado's I headed back to Urokodaki's house. I pack up the bigger weapons that were soaking and started on my journey. It should take me about sunset to reach the house.

Timeskip due to Tanjiro getting crushed by a cute ghost.

When I had finished climbing the mountain I saw Tanjiro and a boy looking like they are going to fight. Are he and the girl ghosts, they have no presence? I quietly climb a tree to watch them from above. I watch as the quick battle begins and ends with Tanjiro cutting the mask of the boy, but also cutting the boulder.

"Ano, are you the one that Tanjiro is always talking about?"

I turn my head to see the girl and boy from earlier. "Does he talk about me? No one ever talks about me. What has he said?"

They sit down on both sides of me and start to talk. "He says that you are very pretty and strong. You carry a box on your back and have weapons. You have(H/c) hair with gold and white strands and bangs that cover one (E/c) eye."

"You are very observant and can fight very well. You have a mysterious aura and are very kind. You play very good music and travel."

"He sure does pay attention. So may I ask what 2 ghosts are doing helping the boy?"

Gasp! "You knew we were ghosts?"

"Yes, I can sense the presence of people either demon or not. I just assumed since I couldn't feel you and the fact that he wasn't killed. By the way, you are both very handsome and beautiful, Sabito... Makomo." With that, I quickly disappeared.

"She was very pretty, but how did she know our names?"

Awe~ you think she is pretty, more like stunning! Maybe she heard us talking earlier."

They continued talking for a little bit until they heard beautiful music being played. As the music filled the forest the animals started to feel at ease, along with everything else. It seemed peaceful like a beautiful rainbow after raining. Everything swayed in the wind adding to the effect of the music. Birds flew above the trees entranced by the music. At the center of it all was you. Calmly walking while playing the instrument. As the music surrounded the entire forest it made its way to Urokodaki's house. The house where Tanjiro was being congratulated by Urokodaki, and the same one that Nezuko had been sleeping in for the past 2 years.

As the familiar sound of music touched Tanjiro and Urokodaki's ears they perked up. Tanjiro wanting to see you more rushed out of the house and towards where he smelled you. It was hard to explain but you had a scent of mystery and knowledge to Tanjiro. As he ran towards you, you already know that he was coming to finish the song. Just as you had finished the song he came hurtling towards you and embraced you as you took a step back to keep from tumbling down.

"(Y/n)! You finally came back!" He started to cry a little bit.

"Ara~ I didn't know that you would miss me that much. I only knew you for a few days." You wrapped your arms around the boy who was your first ever friend.

He blushed at the comment but still kept hugging you." Why didn't you come back sooner?"

"I did, once in a while but I stayed hidden so I could see your progress."

"Whaa? You are so mean. You watch me but don't even talk to me."

If I had talked to you, you would have convinced me to stay with you. I knew that you wanted me to stay with you but if I did you wouldn't have become this strong. Now come on let's go back and celebrate you going to the final selection.

You pick him up and carry him back to the house. He could hear your heart beating as you carried his body.

"You didn't have to carry me (Y/n)."

"I know, but aren't you tired? You have worked hard for 2 years, let me treat you for a few minutes..... I hear that you have talked about me."

He turned bright red and stuttered." I-II-I- want-ed to t-tell people about you when they asked. I didn't say anything bad."

"I know you didn't. I don't even need to ask what they were told, you are just not that kind of person."

"The only ones I told about you were Sabito and Makomo. Did you talk to them?! How did you know about the final selection?!"

"Yes, they are quite pleasant. I saw the duel between you and Sabito."

At this time you had already reached the house. You set Tanjiro down and ruffled his hair. The door opened to reveal Urokodaki.

"Nice to see you again (y/n), how are you?"

"I am good, still traveling."

He catches onto your hint." Ahh, it must be interesting to say the lease."

"Yes, it is very interesting, but enough about me. Let us celebrate Tanjiro going to the final selection."

"Ahh yes, come sit down. I have food for us."

Tanjiro eats a lot of food while Urokodaki talks about demons and the final selection. After we are done eating Urokodaki takes out a mask from behind him. It is a kitsune mask with red decorations. There is a sun on the side that Tanjiro has a scar on.

I make masks for the children that I send to the final selection. Tanjiro, you are a remarkable kid. This mask is a warding mask to help you during the final selection. It is time for you to go to sleep so that you will be ready for the final selection tomorrow.

"Thank you very much Urokodaki. You have taught me so much and taken care of me and Nezuko."

He heads off to bed while you sit there watching Urokodaki.

"You care very much, don't you? Don't let your worries cloud your judgment. He is a very strong-willed kid. He will be able to pass the final selection."

"I don't care but I hope that he will pass. How have your travels been?"

"Quite interesting in fact, a few people have played some games with me. They don't seem very strong though. Your student couldn't even pick up my box over there. Quite a pity, in fact, I think I heard something pop when he tried."

"Do you mind if I give it a try? I might need to change the way I teach."

"Go ahead, but please be careful. I don't wish to be charged with putting a former hashira out of being a cultivator."

I watch as he goes over to my box and inspects it. He lightly shakes it making it only move a smidge.

"What is stored in here?"

"Instruments, strings, and a few accessories. Are you starting to doubt your strength?"

"No, I was just curious as to what a traveling musician carries on her back."

I watch as he bends down and bends his knees and struggles to lift them. He was able to actually lift the box to knee height before having to set it down.

"I must congratulate you Urokodaki. You were the first human I have met to be able to lift that box that high. Just to put your mind at ease all instruments are double their normal weight so that people aren't able to steal my things."

"You are quite interesting. Are you going to stay the night, you can share the room with Tanjiro and Nezuko?"

"Sure, if you don't mind. I still have to lay out their gifts. You are quite remarkable Urokodaki."

He takes you to the room that Tanjiro is already sleeping in. You open the box and start to take out the instrument layers. Once you reach the bottom you see the haori and elastics sitting there. You take them out and place them at the end of their beds. You brush the hair out of Tanjiro and Nezuko's faces and head to sleep after blowing out the candle.


I just wanted to give a quick thank you to everyone reading and who voted for my story.

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