Chapter 61

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So Hibiki's clothes look like this and he looks like young yuki, just change the hair and eye color to previous specifications.

"Alright everyone, gather around for the history of (v/n) village!"

"It all started many, many years ago. It started with a noble family. They were known for their kindness and generosity. While being very fortunate throughout life, they moved away from their friends and started up a village for those who did not have a home. They build houses, well, and churches, as they were very religious. The god they worshiped was very kind, leading the village to flourish beautifully. For many years the crops were wonderous, the water as clear as could be, and the resident's smiles as bright as the sun.

As more and more people started to wander and search for the village, the environment started to windle. It started with a few crops dying early, or some lands becoming infertile. From there small and natural occurrences started to appear. They gathered everyone in the town square and for two days they worshiped their god. Prayers, sacrifices, dances, and statues were made and it seemed to appease the god." The old man stopped talking and his wife took over telling the story as he left to go to another room.

"Soon it became a tradition every year that we would hold a celebration for our god! It would last two days, and everything we do will be in worship to our god in hopes of a continuous beautiful life. We placed stained glass decorations along the streets depicting our god. Statues made of precious ores were erected. The celebration ended with the wine throwing, as the god was always said to be drinking a red liquid from a glass of gold.

A handsome god, with tresses as dark as the night and beautiful plum-colored eyes. Skin so pale it puts snow to shame. A white outfit, and a leader to many. Every few centuries the god asks only for one thing of his subjects. After many centuries alone he wished for a bride, and so we took it upon ourselves to keep our god happy. The followers of our god entrusted a bride to be born once a century from the residents of the village. It is to be said that they would have very distinctive features. They would have gold and white accents in their hair, two-star birthmarks under their eye, and if one is to ever see her eyes they would see space itself. These distance features were to remind the god of his home, as he was the god of creation!

We are blessed! Our God will never forsake us for we are his followers! We will have everlasting faith and will live lives of bliss. He has gotten his bride 15 years ago, and he has graced us with his presence more now than anytime recorded before. Now let us celebrate and worship our God with our hard work."

[They sound like a cult. There is something off about the people here.]

Once everyone had filed out of the large building Hibiki and I walked up to the old couple.

"Aha, Hibiki, my boy! How are you?!"

"Haha ji-chan, I'm doing great! What about you, I see you are still telling the same story as always."

"I see you have brought a visitor. Are you planning on staying or are you traveling through?"

"It is nice to meet you. I am simply stopping to replenish my things, and will leave shortly."

"Please, stay as long as you like! We are always ready to welcome new people with open arms."

"I will keep that in mind. I wish to question you about your knowledge. You seem like the best person to ask about past events here."

"Well yes, I am quite old. Haha, please come back later and I will have the materials set for your questioning."

"Alright, thank you very much."

I give a short bow, along with Hibiki, and we both leave the building. The rest of you walk around a small part of town was silent. Slightly uncomfortable on his side, and completely fine on mine.

"Ne, (y/n)."


"You're that girl from the story, right?"

"Maybe, but there are many extenuating circumstances, so I cannot give you the answer you are seeking for. I believe the old woman stated that the girl was given away a while ago."

"Yes, I know that, but another girl is to be given to our god in a half weeks' time."

"I see. Are you concerned about the lies, or are you worried for this person. Perhaps you have a type of feelings towards her?"

"What! No!" He screams before running off towards his family.

I watch slightly surprised as they welcome him back home and go into their house. I catch eye contact with both of his parents, and they look back at me completely shocked. I stare at them, my (e/c) eyes staring at his mother's (e/c) eyes and his father's deep blue eyes. A small group of people passes in front of me and I take the chance to disappear from their sight. I look down at my hand and unfurl it.

[It seems I am resentful.]


I rub my hands with a cloth and use some soap and water to fully clean them. I pick up the now red-stained cloth and throw it in the open flame. I walk out of the alleyway and back to the place that Hibiki and I are staying.

The next morning the village was bustling with news of the storyteller's body being found in an alleyway. The gossip about who could have done it, the hushed whispers of those who didn't care. I calmly walk around and search the stalls with Hibiki.

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