Chapter 8

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A week has already passed. It seems to have passed rather quickly. I am playing a song straining my brain to think about what I can play next. I normally play the same songs over and over, only once and a while changing. I normally only change after I think about what type of song this is and carefully go over it. This job has gone through every song I have ever made, and I am hoping that I can keep the creativity flowing. I feel as if there was a black hole deep down into my stomach. Something bad is going to happen today. I quickly ask for a quick break to let my hands calm down. I rush to the bathroom and lay against the wall. I look down at my hands to see that they are shaking.

[No, no, he can't be coming here... It isn't him. It is just the upper moons. Yea just them.]

I try to calm my self-down the best that I can. Deep breath in... Out...In...Out...

[He won't be able to find me again. I need to get out of here before tonight.]

When I get back outside, I make sure that I have all of my replacement strings soaking in an extra potent wisteria poison. I go back to playing music.


After playing for a few minutes I see a cloaked person come into the building.

[He is one of the upper demon moons.]

I try to continue playing as if I didn't know that a demon had walked into the building. My heart was racing as I start to remember what had happened last time the demon moons came after me.

Flashback age:6

I had stayed in a town to learn more instruments and to get more money to start my travels. I slept in the streets and on roofs but everyone there was nice and caring. There was an instrument that was needed in the town over for a special performance. I had offered since I didn't want the old man to be running and hurt himself. I had run as fast as I could to make it there on time. When I had gotten the instrument to the man, he was so grateful that he dedicated the song to me. It was beautiful. As I was watching him, play I heard some rumors coming from the adults about my town. I quickly run over to them and ask what had happened. They looked for pity and said that it was being burned down and that someone was attacking.


I ran as fast as I could not caring that I was winded just a little while ago. Memories of the old man, his wife, the children that listened to my music. The people who complimented me, who helped me, the ones who helped me survive.

As I was getting closer, the pit in my stomach felt like it was getting bigger and bigger. Like a never-ending black hole of guilt and dread. When I had gotten closer, I could see the smoke and fires coming from the town. When I had gotten a little closer, I could hear the screams and cries of the people who lived there.

[No! Not again!]

When I had almost gotten to the entrance of the town, I took out my shuriken and my longest sword. At the time I had only developed 3 moves per breath. I just kept running through cutting any demon insight along with helping any people that were about to be eaten or harmed. As I run around the town trying to kill all of the demons, I pass by the corpses wanting to cry because I wasn't fast enough. Breath of Stars: Shooting Stars!!

[I need to go faster!]

I take the weights off and run around and put them on the strongest demons around me. Now, this is faster. I am zooming through the streets grabbing anyone I can see. I drag them with me to the outskirts for the town where the others are waiting.

"(Y/n) don't go back! You have done all you can!"

"Stop trying."

"Stay here. You have already helped enough people."

"Stop trying to throw your life away."

I don't listen to them and run back into the village. I had heard about their plans. The only reason they are here is because of me. This is my problem and my fault. I need to fix this!! I run around to try and find any survivors. I see that there are fish monsters?! I know that my sword is about to break, so I throw it through 2 of the fish demon's heads. Breath of Stars: Scorpio! I take the sword on my leg out. I start searching the rubble for survivors and bring them to the group. Once I reach them, I say," you need to run to the next village before they kill you. Please lead any children or elderly if they need help."I am bleeding from my head, arms, and legs but I keep going. I keep slaying demons left and right. I jump on top of a building to see where the rest of the demons are because there are too many presences left over. I quickly wrap up any cuts because I know how my blood works for demons.


I run towards the voice and see a kid about to be eaten. Breath of Stars: Cancer. I run towards the demon and slice off his arms then swing backward to slice off his head. I grab the kid before he falls and runs. As I am getting closer to the outskirts again, I feel a very strong sense of dread coming this way. I see a creepy demon in a pot running towards the rest of the townspeople. I quickly set the kid down whilst whispering," gives me a minute. I quickly set the kid down whilst whispering," gives me a minute. I pick up one of the support beams of a house. I start running towards the demon to get momentum. Breath of Galaxies: Nebulas Collapse! I send the sharpened piece of wood right at the demon's head at breakneck speed. Ouch, I threw my shoulder out of place. I quickly slam it against a wall to realign it, grab the kid, and start to run again.

[The demon will regenerate fast since the wood wasn't covered in wisteria so I better hurry.]

I run towards the group of people trying to run away from the beheaded demon before it regenerates."I search for the longest and sharpest object around since I need the sword. I take out some strings that were soaked in wisteria. I grab the head and wrap it in wisteria so that he couldn't regenerate the rest of his body and ran as fast as I could. I run towards the flames in hopes that one of my theories would work. I take the head and put it in the fire to burn the cells so that they can't regenerate easily. After doing this for a minute, the demon knows where I am hiding, so I toss the head into another fire and run away again. As I am twisting and turning through the streets I pick up any of the weights that were on the demons that Ii had killed. I headed to the second-largest source of dread. It was so confusing, it was like it was splitting up into other people but it only added more dread. Breath of Galaxies: prominence burst, I whisper quietly so that he can't hear me. I burst forwards quickly running and putting weights onto the demons and trying to kill whatever ones were left when I was out of weights.

I ended up killing about 8 demons and the rest were able to get away. The sun rose and they retreated before I could have the chance to pursue them. Since everything was still on fire, I use a breath to put it out. Breath of galaxies: Universal End. The entire town is surrounded in darkness with stars splattered all around. All of the fires are put out. After running around and doing so much the adrenalin had finally worn off. I collapse to the floor with the sword by my side and welcome the darkness.

Flashback end

I finish the song and head to the boss's office. I knock and she allows me in.

"I just received a letter from my family, would it be ok to leave early. You can dock the pay if you want."

"What was the letter about?"

"One of my family members has been murdered, and everything is in chaos right now."

"You can leave now, and I will give you the pay. You have brought even more money than I thought possible this week. Thank you, and I wish your family Goodluck."

"Thank you, mam. Good luck to you too."

She gives you the money, and you go and pack up everything. After I get everything packed up I leave the building with everything in hand and leave the village. I go into the mountains to find a cave. After finding a cave I place everything that isn't a weapon in there and cover it in wisteria. I take everything that can be used as a weapon with me and start to put the traps for them up. I set up some of the strings just for insurance in the front of the cave. I make pitfalls with wisteria flowers below. Swinging tree logs and rocks that have some wisteria on them. I also put some more of the strings in front of the place where I entered the forest. I keep most of the weapons on me and go around spraying multiple perfumes and wisteria incense all over the forest and cave. The only place that has my smell is the place with strings that can cut someone very easily.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes or anything wrong. I was kind of stressed with grades and stuff and I just got the inspiration, so I decided to put it to good use at 2 in the morning with school the next day. Oh well, good luck to everyone on their grades for this quarter.


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