Chapter 39

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I have had very bad writer's block since last week. This is the best of what I can do for right now, I'm sorry. I will try and get back into the mode of writing soon, I just need to finish school cause it is putting too much pressure on me. Also, this chapter is like 200 words short, I just can't write any more this week.
Thank you all for the love and support that you have given this book it means a lot.😊

After that small incident of me almost dying we walked down the hallway. This one was different from the others, it had more twists and turns and had other hallways that split off from the main hallway. I could only sense one demon here, the last demon in the building. We had been running down the hallways for a long time before we ended up getting where we came from.

"Did we go in a circle?"

"Well, no shit!"

[That was meant to keep inside my head.]

We split and went opposite ways down the hallway. I go down a few smaller hallways only to find dead ends. I nick the walls of the hallways that I have gone down as I run past them. Eventually, I got about halfway down the hallway when I heard the familiar curses spewed from Sanemi's mouth. I look up and see him running in and out of the hallways. As I was standing from my crouched position, I fell backward and through the wall. I more the corroded wall off of me and walk to get Sanemi.

"Sanemi stop yelling, there is a hole."

"How the fuck did you find a hole?!"

"I made one by accident. The wall was corroded."

I grab one of the torches off of the wall and walk towards the black room that I made a hole in. Some dust was falling from the ceiling, and I swat it away before it gets in my hair. The room is circular and completely empty. The ground is pitch black and has holes all over the place. I step around them as I walk against the wall to see if there is a door out. There was a random lever on the side of the wall, and no door or any form of exit out of here. I took a second to contemplate what we were going to do since I didn't want the same thing to happen as last time, but Sanemi was impatient as always.

*Creeeaaakkkkkkk *

The noisy lever did nothing. Nothing opened, and nothing moved so we continued to walk around the wall some more since we were only 2/5 done. We continued walking while looking for any levers or anything new. The air felt thicker the longer we stayed in the room. We had pulled down two more levers before something made a noise. We walked towards the middle of the room while being mindful of the holes in the ground. There was a door in the ground now.

[How far underground do you think we are now?]

"I don't know. From falling down that long slide, then again, and walking down I would say very far."

"I wonder if this is connected fully to the house above, it looked quite unsteady."

"Tch, I'll kill all the demons here before I let us get buried alive."

Sanemi kicks the door open to reveal a now white room. He "tchs" before jumping down. I follow in suit after him and my eye twitches in annoyance at how bright white is. I grab Sanemi's shoulder and pull him to the right before an arrow pierces through the air where he once stood. I look around the room to find where the demon is, but they were nowhere seen. When I try to sense the demon, I can sense that they are standing right there. I unsheath my sword and share towards where I sense the demon to be standing.

First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter

Breath of Stars: Scorpio

I duck under the arrow while Sanemi moves to the side and attacks. Once his attack is finished, I jump at the demon from the ground and slice its neck off. We both sheath our swords and start walking out of the room. Something drips on my neck causing me to shiver since I was already cold. I look up to see a crack in the ceiling with water dripping out of it.

"Ne Sanemi-san, where did the water come from?"

"How would I know?!"

"I don't think it ever stopped flooding the room."

Realization of what I was referring to hit him and we both started to sprint to get outside. We jump from side to side to get up the tunnels that we fell down as the water rises below us. Water splashes under our feet as we continue on our way out of the building. The floors were starting to crumble and we dodge the pieces falling towards us.

[Why do things like this always happen?]

Once we were able to get out of the crumbling house it collapsed in on itself, shaking the ground lightly. After the whole ordeal, just a large hole in the ground was slightly filled from the rubble. Sanemi went on his way to his next mission while I went to a nearby town. It was close to one of the stations that had a train. I got a room, took a bath, and changed into dry clothes before eating. Once everything of mine was dry and taken care of I lay myself down on the pillow and let myself go to sleep.

Just as I was about to fall into a nice slumber a loud thud came from the window followed by a familiar squawk.

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