Chapter 5

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Location Ubuyashiki estate:

It seems that we have underestimated her strength. If she joined the Corps, our chances of killing Muzan would go up. I have called a pillar meeting to discuss what they think we should do.

Once everyone gets here, they bow down and say a greeting to me.

"Thank you for your greetings."

"Why are we here, our next pillar meeting wasn't supposed to be for a while?"

"I wanted to discuss a child that I think would be a good fit for the Corps. She has requested that we try and capture her then she will think about joining. I have had my eye on her for a while, but this was the first time that she had tried to talk to me."

"Why is a child so special? Couldn't one of the lower ranks handle a child?"

"That is the problem; I have already sent people after her but they have come up empty-handed. I had recently had 2 hashiras try and capture her but have not been able to. I had expected this outcome, but I wanted to see what you think."

"Who failed to capture a child?"

Shinobu and Giyuu raise their hands.

"How? HOW?"

Flashback (Shinobu is telling this cause Giyu doesn't speak)

We were walking into a village where there was a rumor that there was a child with great musical talent staying for a few days. We walked around the town to see if we could find the child because she was always seen with a musical instrument. We had been searching for about an hour and decide to take a break. We go to a teahouse in the middle of the village. After a little bit of drinking tea, we are about to search again when we hear a shamisen being played. We follow the sound and find a pale girl in a starry patterned haori, black obi, black gaiters. Her hair was in a bun, but you could see some gold and white mixed in with the (h/c) hair. One eye was covered by her bangs, and the other was (e/c). We watch as more people come towards the shops and the general area and go to buy things. As some people go by, they give her a few coins.

Her playing was very good.

While she was playing, a thief was running by and had just stolen a purse. As he neared the child and tried to grab the case with the money, we were about to stop him, but there was no need for it. When the thief had tried to pull the case, I am pretty sure that he either broke or sprained his arm and then was tripped by the child who never faltered in her playing even when her sitting position changed.

She continued playing her shamisen and calmly told the man," please do not try to take mine or other things. After I am finished with this song, I will fix your arm, and if you try to run away just know that your arm will never get better and fall off cause of the certain way that you hurt it."There is no medically possible way that would happen to his arm, but he doesn't know that.

After the girl finished playing and putting away her instrument, she grabbed the man's arm and said to bite down on his sleeve since it will hurt a bit. He did as said but didn't notice that the purse that he had taken was gone. The girl grabbed his shoulder and arm and push it back into place. When she was done, she quickly grabbed the purse and said," this will be my payment for the trouble you have caused me."We saw that she handed it back to the frantic lady and said bye before going back to the shops. She collected some money and left. We trailed her for a little bit, but she found out that we were and called us out. She turned around and took off her box.

"If you can lift this, I will give you the chance to try and capture me."

"I went first to try and test it out since we saw what happened in the town. When I had tried to pull it, my back cracked and I almost pulled a muscle."

"Then Giyu tried it and couldn't."

She smiled more and said," better luck next time slayers also thanks for the challenge but I hope it gets harder."She grabbed the box quite easily and disappeared from sight.

Flash back end

"Are you alright Shinobu-chan?"

"Yes, I am quite alright just a little sore."

"What about you Giyu?"


"Tch, weaklings. You can't even pick up a box."

"Namu Amida Butsu." Tears were streaming down his face.

"What shape was that cloud again?"


"She sounds so flamboyant!"

"She sounds so strong!"

"Would the rest of you like to after her as well" a calming voice asks?

"Sure I would like to meet this cute child."

"Namu Amida Butsu, I would like to go after her also."

"What was the girl's name again?"

"It seems that all of you wish to go after the girl. Her name is (y/n)(l/n) and works as a traveling musician while dancing and singing if needed. She killed a lower demon moon when she was six. She also killed some other demons and has never had a nichirin sword. She started killing demons since she was four. She is about 13 or 14. We do not know what type of weapon she uses but that she uses multiple."

"How did she kill a lower demon moon when she was six?"

"The poor child having to meet a demon so young."

"Namu Amida Butsu, the child has suffered."

"She is so flamboyant!!"

"Thank you for coming here to this decision. Remember that there are other duties besides the child."

"Yes, master. They all say together." They bow and say their goodbyes.

In another location

[Maybe things will finally get interesting. ]I lay down after burning the wisteria incense and fall into the dark void I call sleep.


Sorry for the short chapter.

I should really start paying attention to my classes instead of writing.

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