Chapter 37

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Guess who's back😌 thanks for waiting I will have the next chapter up by tomorrow.
We fell down when the ground opened up. It was like a slide, but everything was dark and you couldn't see what was happening or where you were going. I was fine with fighting without sight, but I don't think Sanemi would be able to. It was a weird experience going down a slide with someone else squishing my face, but luckily it ended when we fell out and into a bunch of old wooden crates.


Sanemi's POV

"Urgh, that hurt."

I kick off some of the wood that was covering me and use my hands to feel around for the ground.

[What the hell is squishy?]

"EH! Stop that."


"You pervert, stop groping me!"

"I'm not touching you. Help me find out if this squishy thing is a demon or not!"

"It's not. You are touching me, stop it."

"How the fuck is that you?! You are like skin and bones, not fat!"


Once he said that sentence it hit him what was happening. He stopped squeezing his hand and looked away with a blush on his face. Though it was not noticeable since it was pitch black. To confirm his suspicions, he slowly moved his hand over to the side. He froze when he felt the same warm squishy feeling again. Well, he was stupefied until he was harshly slapped.

Secret learned technique: Urokodaki Slap

Sanemi, who was now holding his cheek as it glowed red brightly backed up and said a small sorry. I decide not to think about it for now and fish inside one of my pockets for a match or something. I find one and light a match. When our eyes adjust, I see my handprint on Sanemi's face but I don't say anything.

[I feel no remorse for my actions.]

"Come on, the demons are bound to find us from how much noise we made."

I hand him the match, and I start to walk down the hallway. not waiting for him. I had told (c/n) to stay outside, I just hope that she is doing fine. Before I turn the corner I hear some chittering noise.

[Is there a squirrel down here?]

I turn around the corner and see a human-sized insect looking at a window boarded up with a few places to let light in. My face scrunched in disgust before settling back into its normal position.

Breath of Galaxies: Prominence Burst

I appear behind the demon and slice its head off quickly and painlessly. I grip one of the boards and rip it off of the window to allow the moonlight to seep through the broken window. I sense around for the other demons, but I find that they are once again farther underground.

[How have they built so far underground and why?]

I decided to look around the area before trying to find another way down. I don't want the same thing to happen as last time. Sanemi follows behind but still keeps his distance, and holding his still bright red cheek. There were many doors, but only a few hallways to walk down, and they were all dead ends. The first hallways rooms just held beds, too many beds for my liking. They all had sheets, pillows, and blankets. The second hallway had chains inside the rooms. Some were nailed into the wall, and others were lying on the ground either broken or pulled off. Either way, there were signs of someone being placed in them, and blood splattered all around the rooms. Whenever there is this much blood nothing good has ever come from it.

[I hope that the third hallway is empty.]

I could feel the sinking feeling in my gut, just like the last time. For once I wish that what I wanted to happen would be true. When I reached the first door, I hesitated when I gripped the door handle. I already knew what would be in here by the smell.

"Come on, you and I both know what is here. Let's just look for a way to find the other demons."

"But how many? Just how many people are here? How many were killed here that they had to use this many rooms? How many lives were lost as we were on our way here? How many people could we have saved if we were faster?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as we are able to find and kill those demons who ate them, we also stop them from eating more while putting there would to rest."

Just as we were about to leave the door slightly opened with a loud creaking sound. We both look at each other and then the door. I couldn't sense what moved since all I could sense were the bodies on the ground. Sanemi had his sword already drawn, and my hand was on the door handle. It seems that I was a little stressed since when I went to open the door I pulled it right off its hinges. I gave Sanemi a weak smile and said sorry before the both of us walked inside. With the match lit we could only see a little bit ahead of us, but the room was big. I couldn't sense anything moving. That was until we heard another creak.

I couldn't sense anything moving. That was until we heard another creak. Sanemi and I both turned around with our swords ready. The door now completely shut starts to shake, and multiple white things start to protrude through the wood, but no light comes through. I remember that there was a small cloth and I light it with the match. We would be fine as long as nothing major burned because there was a small vent in the ceiling. I sense something flying our way and I grab Sanemi and push him down with me. The object passes by and it gets stuck in the wall, but once it lodges itself into the wall it sinks down like a hat losing its shape.

The lights flash on blinding both of us temporarily, but when our eyes finally adjust we see the horde of dead bodies and among them two demons. A lady with a large hat and one in the walls, making teeth appear around us.

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