Valentine's Pt.2

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Shinobu Kocho

"Ara Ara~ (y/n), be careful with that equipment."

"I know, I won't let anything blow up."

Shinobu and I were currently in her lab working on poisons. I gave her my recipe that I use to soak my weapons in and we were working on a way to make it even more potent. Earlier I had mixed some toxins and it made a small explosion. After a few hours of work, we got a toxin that we think would be very potent.

"Should we just go into the forest and wait for a demon to show up?"

Shinobu just looked around before staring out of the window.

"Ara~ I might have come up with a good plan."

"What is it?"

"Let's use Tomioka as bait! No one likes him, so it would be fine if he just disappeared!"

"Shinobu, it isn't good to say such things while smiling sweetly."


Gyomei Himejima

Gyomei and I were training in the mountains and had decided to take a small break.

"Ne Gyomei, do you like music?"

"Yes, I used to play the shakuhachi."

"Really?! That is cool! Could you play something for me?"

"Um, sure. It might now sound very good, I haven't played it in a long time."

He walks back towards his estate and comes back out after a few minutes. When he gets close enough to sense the area he notices that there were cats around you. You were petting them while some were walking around you and two were in your lap.

"When did you get cats?"

"I don't know, they just appeared and started to stay next to me. Do you want to hold one?"

"No, I think that they would be too afraid of me."

"Don't be silly."

You stand up and hold a cat in your arms while walking closer to him. You carefully hold out the cat for him to take. Since he was reluctant to take the cat, it looks at him almost saying "hurry up and hold me already," look. After a minute of finding a comfortable way to hold the cat, they both got comfortable. We both sat down and played with the cats until we noticed that the sun had gone down.

"It is getting late (y/n), you should get home before it is completely dark."

"Alright, have a goodnight and maybe you can play for me one day."


Kyojuro Rengoku

Rengoku invited me over to his house to spend the day with him and his brother. When I arrived he opened the door hastily and hugged me tightly. He took me inside and introduced me to his brother. He was quite cute.

"Hello, I am Senjuro."

"Hello, I am (y/n) nice to meet you."

He is like a mini Rengoku but a little bit quieter than him, he also seemed timider. He made us tea and we talked about many different topics. Since we spent so much time Senjuro ended up falling asleep on me. We both laughed before Rengoku gave me his haori and told me to stay the night.

"I don't want to wake him, but I also don't want to impose on you."

"It is fine (y/n). You are welcome to stay here any day!"


Obanai Iguro (when I tried typing Obani, it auto corrected to Obama, lol)

When I was walking in the butterfly garden I heard a slithering noise. I looked around the garden to find what was making the noise. Just as I moved a plant out of the way Kaburamaru jumps up at me and wraps himself around my arm.

"Why are you here Kaburamaru?"

He just hisses at me and stays wrapped around my arm. I sigh before standing up and walking towards the Serpent Estate (is that what it is called?). When I am close enough I could see Obani walking around his estate. I go up behind him very quietly and blow into his ear.


He jumps back and swings his sword in my direction. I had already considered this and takes a few steps back so that he would not be able to strike me.

"Don't do that (y/n)."

"It is quite amazing to see your reactions though."

"Whatever, what are you doing here," he says coldly.

"Your little friend found his way to my arm, and I am here to return him."

I raised my arm to show him Kaburamaru sleeping soundly while holding on tightly to my arm.

[That is where you went.]

"Thanks for bringing here, but it was unnecessary."

"Weren't you looking for him though?"

"No, he would eventually come back."

"Ok, well do you mind helping me get him off?"

"Tch. fine."

I lightly pat Kaburamaru's head so that he wakes up and is not frightened by the sudden movement of his body. When he opens his eyes he just looks at Obani before looking back at me. Obanai goes to grab Kaburamaru and unwrap him from my arm, but he doesn't budge. He tries even harder, but he doesn't come off. We tried tempting him with food and things but he never let go of my arm. After a few hours, we gave up and took a break. We ate some food, and I fed Kaburamaru a little bit since he didn't eat anything yet.

" Come on Kaburamaru, please get off of my arm."

He just hissed in reply and stretched his body farther up my arm.

"Please, I will visit you soon. I really want my arm back."

He looks up at me and hisses before loosening his grip and slithering his way up my neck. He pecks my lips before slithering away and towards Obanai. He pulls down his mask slightly and does the same to him.

"W-What was that for Kaburamaru?"


Tanjiro and Nezuko

Tanjiro and I were outside doing some training and talking. We did what they did as rehabilitation training. He was mostly soaked and there was a few times that he was able to splash me, but he decided to place the cup on top of my head. I had helped him stretch out while also telling him some tips to keep flexible. We were on the final stage and playing tag. I was running like Nezuko as he tried to catch me. After a few more tries he was able to catch up to me and finally tag me.

We both went inside and took showers to get the sweat and grime off of our bodies. As I passed by Nezuko's room I heard a series of grunts and hmphs. I opened the door and saw her out of her box and rolling around the room. When she heard the door open she looked at me and humphed loudly before going over to me. She hugged me tightly and pat my head. I walked farther into her room and she braided my hair making happy noises. Eventually, the door opened again and Tanjiro came inside.

"This is where you were (y/n). Nezuko is awake too?!"

He goes over to his sister and hugs her. We end up talking for a little bit while Nezuko hmphs in our conversations. She continues to braid my hair and then I braid her hair. After a little while of talking, she cutely yawns and we decide to go to sleep since it is getting dark. Nezuko comes over and pats both of our heads before hugging us. She then gets smaller and goes back to sleep inside her box. Tanjiro and I both smile and leave the room.

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