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I always wonder what it's like to be happy

Not temporary, but the kind when where you open your eyes in the morning

And you actually want to get up to start a new day

The feeling where your not lonely and tired

all the time

I haven't felt like that in years

When was the last time I was happy?

What's wrong with me?

When did it all change and why didn't I fix it?

How did I not notice?

How did no one else notice?

It's always my fault

But then again

I like being alone

I like the quiet

The darkness of sleep isn't so bad

It's easier to get hurt when I'm awake than when I'm sleep

Because when I sleep the only thing that can torture me is my mind

People hurt me when I'm awake

They hurt me and don't know it

I don't want pity from them

I want power over them

I might put a song to go with each chapter idk

I hope this bit was ok

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